
China Ministry of Commerce Releases Statement on Trump-Xi Meeting: “It Was Very Successful. We Have Confidence in the Implementation”

- Desember 05, 2018

The Chines Ministry of Commerce released a statement on Wednesday morning on the Trump Xi dinner meeting in Buenos Aires on Saturday.

The Chinese Government released a very positive statement on the meeting.

A reporter asked: We know that the Chinese economic and trade team has returned to Beijing. What is your comment on this meeting?
  A: The meeting was very successful and we have confidence in the implementation.
  Q: How is China prepared to promote the next economic and trade consultation?
  A: The economic and trade teams of the two sides will actively promote the consultation work within 90 days in accordance with a clear timetable and road map.
  Q: What are the priorities for China?
  A: China will start from implementing specific issues that have reached consensus, and the sooner the better.

This is VERY positive news for the the Trump administration, the US and China.

The post China Ministry of Commerce Releases Statement on Trump-Xi Meeting: “It Was Very Successful. We Have Confidence in the Implementation” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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