
Another Junk Report: Senate Peddles New Crap Sandwich on Russian “Meddling” in 2016 Election — With Extra Slice of Cheese

- Desember 17, 2018

The Russian government spent around $100,000 in Facebook ads during the 2016 election. The two candidates spent over a billion dollars.

Trump 2020 Campaign Manager weighed in on the 2016 Russian Facebook ads in an interview in November.
Russia only spent $6,000 on Facebook ads IN THE LAST SIX WEEKS BEFORE THE ELECTION!

“You know, six thousand dollars is what they spent over the last six weeks. I was spending that per half second or per millisecond probably. So if you take that over six weeks they were spending .00001 cent per second. So I could get how maybe it would fly under the radar.”

Russia spent $4,600 dollars on Google ads in 2016.

Russia did not exactly bombard the US electorate with propaganda during the 2016 election as the fake news media would like to suggest.

The House Intelligence Committee already released several of theFacebook ads and posts linked to a Russian troll operation during and after the 2016 presidential election.

Democrats and naive Republicans want you to believe these Russian Facebook ads flipped the election to Donald Trump.

But at least half of the ads were pro-Hillary.
And Russia claims half of their paid ads ran after the election and 25% never ran at all.

In November 2017 afternoon, the House Intelligence Committee released a sampling of Facebook ads linked to Russia. One of the ads released was a sponsored post for the Nov. 12 anti-Trump march at Union Square against Trump in New York City after the election.

HPSCI Minority Open Hearing Exhibits

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On Monday the Senate Intelligence Committee is releasing a new report on Russian meddling during the 2016 election.
It never ends!

Mark Warner and his lapdog Richard Burr released the report to much Democratic fanfare earlier today.
The report is more nonsense on the so-called Russian interference in the 2016 election.

From what has been reported, we know Russia spent a know $105,000 to influence the election with social media ads.
Saudi Arabia gave Hillary Clinton more than $10 million to her foundation.
So who influenced the election?
You do the math.

The Washington Post reported:

A report prepared for the Senate that provides the most sweeping analysis yet of Russia’s disinformation campaign around the 2016 election found the operation used every major social media platform to deliver words, images and videos tailored to voters’ interests to help elect President Trump — and worked even harder to support him while in office.

The report, obtained by The Washington Post before its official release Monday, is the first to study the millions of posts provided by major technology firms to the Senate Intelligence Committee, led by Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), its chairman, and Sen. Mark Warner (Va.), its ranking Democrat. The bipartisan panel also released a second independent report studying the 2016 election Monday. Lawmakers said the findings “do not necessarily represent the views” of the panel or its members.

The first report — by Oxford University’s Computational Propaganda Project and Graphika, a network analysis firm — offers new details of how Russians working at the Internet Research Agency, which U.S. officials have charged with criminal offenses for interfering in the 2016 campaign, sliced Americans into key interest groups for targeted messaging. These efforts shifted over time, peaking at key political moments, such as presidential debates or party conventions, the report found.

Featured image Zero Hedge

The post Another Junk Report: Senate Peddles New Crap Sandwich on Russian “Meddling” in 2016 Election — With Extra Slice of Cheese appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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