As the (partial) government shutdown continues, Donald J. Trump leaps to Twitter to castigate his opponents.
The President blasted Democrats for their border wall “obstruction”:
“The Democrats OBSTRUCTION of the desperately needed Wall, where they almost all recently agreed it should be built, is exceeded only by their OBSTRUCTION of 350 great people wanting & expecting to come into Government after being delayed for more than two years, a U.S. record!”
The Democrats OBSTRUCTION of the desperately needed Wall, where they almost all recently agreed it should be built, is exceeded only by their OBSTRUCTION of 350 great people wanting & expecting to come into Government after being delayed for more than two years, a U.S. record!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 27, 2018
Furthermore, Trump claimed the wall isn’t so much at issue, as is the general notion of the GOP having any “wins” (a little Scientology lingo for ya there):
“This isn’t about the Wall, everybody knows that a Wall will work perfectly (In Israel the Wall works 99.9%). This is only about the Dems not letting Donald Trump & the Republicans have a win. They may have the 10 Senate votes, but we have the issue, Border Security. 2020!”
This isn’t about the Wall, everybody knows that a Wall will work perfectly (In Israel the Wall works 99.9%). This is only about the Dems not letting Donald Trump & the Republicans have a win. They may have the 10 Senate votes, but we have the issue, Border Security. 2020!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 27, 2018
So what about the gridlock? Currently, it’s as frozen as LA traffic.
Each chamber is required to meet at three-day intervals, even though no legislative business is likely to be conducted. Few are expected to attend — not many are even at the capital.
Also on Thursday, The Donald reiterated the need for border security:
“[W]e desperately need Border Security and a Wall on the Southern Border. Need to stop Drugs, Human Trafficking,Gang Members & Criminals from coming into our Country.”
He also asked, to my way of thinking, an interesting question:
“Do the Dems realize that most of the people not getting paid are Democrats?”
Have the Democrats finally realized that we desperately need Border Security and a Wall on the Southern Border. Need to stop Drugs, Human Trafficking,Gang Members & Criminals from coming into our Country. Do the Dems realize that most of the people not getting paid are Democrats?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 27, 2018
Nicely done, Trump. Will they answer? Don’t hold your breath.
The clock ticks on. What of tomorrow? The shutdown — like James Bond — will return.
For a lead-up to our current state, please see my coverage here, here, here, here, here, and here.
For a lot of goofiness, please see Washington.
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