
WaPo Author Shames Black Men Who Dared To Vote For Republicans In Georgia

- November 24, 2018

Like the slave catchers of the 1800’s, Washington Post author Vanessa Williams (no, not the singer from the 1990s) has published an article shaming black men in Georgia who voted for Republican Brian Kemp over democrat Stacey Abrams in the race for Governor. According to polls, 8-11% of black males voted for Kemp, helping him to win the election.

But Williams will have none of that in her article titled “What’s up with all those black men who voted for the Republican in the Georgia governor’s race?” as part of WaPo’s “About US” initiative, which is apparently designed to “cover issues of identity in the United States.”

Vanessa Williams starts off the article by shaming white women: “White female voters in Georgia showed little interest in helping black women fulfill their dream of electing Stacey Abrams as governor, which would have made her the first African American woman to head a state in the nation’s history” before going into her diatribe about MAGA black males:

But another group of voters also raised eyebrows for how they voted in the race, in which Abrams fell about 17,000 votes short of forcing a runoff with Kemp.

Black men voted for Kemp at a higher rate than black women, according to exit polling, a data point that drew gasps and rebuke on social media and news commentary.

“How can so many black men still align with a party that, now more than ever, is unified by white identity politics?” Renée Graham asked in a Boston Globe column after the election. “This Republican Party is not the party of Lincoln. This is unabashedly the party of white supremacy, migrant family separations, racist fearmongering, and Brett Kavanaugh.”

Ted Johnson, a senior fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice, said black male voters’ behavior in Georgia’s gubernatorial race reflected a return to how they voted before 2008, when Barack Obama made his successful bid to become the first black president of the United States.

Before that election, around 82 percent of black men voted for Democrats, about 10 points lower than black women. “Now that Obama is out, basically black men have gone back to where they were before” in terms of supporting Democrats, Johnson said. “The fact that Abrams got in the high 80s or low 90s means she outperformed Democratic candidates, pre-Obama, among black men.”

Johnson at least made the case as to why black males are starting to vote for Republicans.

Black men who voted for Kemp were not so much rejecting Abrams as embracing the conservative messages of rugged individualism and free-market economics.

“I think it boils down to — the conservative mantra of self-determination and economic empowerment resonates with men, period, but especially with a certain cohort of black men,” Johnson said. “Like the brothers that are hustling CD to the brothers that open barbershops, that entrepreneurial spirit is alive in the black community.”

He said those voters believe that the GOP talking point of “getting government out of the way and letting people determine their own economic path. That sounds good to black men, and it’s a mantra they can support rather than having the government say we’re gonna help you to be a man.”

Williams closes her article with the same race baiting rhetoric that we’ve grown accustomed to:

But black voters’ support for Republicans rarely rises above the low teens because of the GOP’s increasingly racially charged politics, especially in recent years, with Trump’s divisive rhetoric and policies going largely unchallenged by party leaders. Trump’s election has been applauded by people who espouse racist beliefs, and he has often declined to criticize their actions, such as last year in Charlottesville, when a neo-Nazi drove his car into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing a woman.

Johnson said there are a lot of black people who “may be social conservatives or fiscal conservatives but are liberal on the issue of civil rights and race.”

“To be a racial conservative means you’re okay with Jim Crow,” he added. “There’s only one party that you can support and be progressive on race, and that’s the Democratic Party.”

Wait until Vanessa Williams finds out that 18% of black women in Florida voted for Ron DeSantis.

President Trump has been making many inroads in black communities, going out of his way to meet with black entrepreneurs and holding a summit for young black leaders.

Candace Owens responded to the Washington Post article with this tweet:

The post WaPo Author Shames Black Men Who Dared To Vote For Republicans In Georgia appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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