
US Media Omit Violence By Caravan of Illegals As It Tries to Rush the US Border Wall

- November 25, 2018

screengrab from https://twitter.com/WendyFry_/status/1066791682899959808

Yesterday, the organizers of the caravan of potential illegals told Fox News that they planned on trying to force their way through the barriers at the US-Mexico border at Tijuana-San Ysidro. Today they made good on their promise.

Migrants approaching the U.S. border from Mexico were enveloped with tear gas Sunday after a few tried to breach the fence separating the two countries.

U.S. agents shot the gas, according to an Associated Press reporter on the scene. Children were screaming and coughing in the mayhem.

Earlier Sunday, several hundred Central American migrants pushed past a blockade of Mexican police who were standing guard near the international border crossing. They appeared to easily pass through without using violence, and some of the migrants called on each other to remain peaceful.

They convened the demonstration to try to pressure the U.S to hear their asylum claims and carried hand-painted American and Honduran flags while chanting: “We are not criminals! We are international workers!”

A second line of Mexican police carrying plastic riot shields stood guard outside a Mexican customs and immigration plaza.

That line of police had installed tall steel panels behind them outside the Chaparral crossing on the Mexican side of the border.

Migrants were asked by police to turn back toward Mexico.

Here are Mexican riot police doing some heavy lifting on their side of the border.

The US has also closed the major border crossing point at San Ysidro

And get used to seeing this picture.

But the real story is a lot less sympathetic. The Border Patrol and CBP agents used tear gas because they were under attack by a rock-throwing mob. Watch the activity in the top right of the video.

Interestingly, national media aren’t reporting the rock-throwing (this is something everyone trying to enter the US to work peacefully and obey our laws does), just the tear gas.

Not only does it appear that the caravan is violence prone, for people seeking refugee status their demographics is pretty unusual.

How many women and children or elderly do you see in the video? These people are seeking political asylum in the same way that the Islamist mob moving out of Syria and Turkey into Europe is seeking political asylum.

What you are seeing is the beginning of a narrative that will be sold to the American people. The media are in favor of these caravans forcing their way into the US for a couple reasons. First, it will show that Trump can’t secure the border. Second, by excising all cause (rock throwing) from effect (tear gas use) the media are trying to label the administration as xenophobic and the federal agents protecting our borders as thugs. It won’t be long until “Abolish ICE” will have its own program on CNN.

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