There never was no Trump-Russia collusion.
It was the greatest media hoax in US history.
And now journalist Jerome Corsi says he will be indicted by dirty cop Robert Mueller on perjury charges.
Trump would be have to be out of his mind to sit and talk with these corrupt demons.
The liberal mainstream media wailed last week and hurled abuse at the Trump White House for banning loudmouth sideshow Jim Acosta from the White House press pool.
What will they say about Jerome Corsi?
I think we all know the answer to that.
Yossi Gestetner posted a thread on Twitter that accurately describes the degree of deception these criminals in the deep state and their allies in the liberal media are pushing on the American people.
Jerome Corsi will be the latest man to have his life destroyed by the Deep State Democrats.
They never had collusion — but that didn’t stop the Deep State from ruining good men.
GET THIS: In Jan 2017, six months into the collusion investigation, the FBI used the dossier being in the news as a pretext to interview Papado, the supposed originator of the collusion investigation. This was 3 months after FISA’s Page; also made possible via the dossier.
— Yossi Gestetner (@YossiGestetner) September 16, 2018
10/ In May 2017, 10 months into Russia, Strzok texted Page that he is reluctant to join Mueller because his gut tells him there is no there there. Page told Congress Strzok said it because "It's a reflection of us still not knowing” if there was collusion!
— Yossi Gestetner (@YossiGestetner) September 16, 2018
Manafort is in prison since 6/15/18 for daring to challenge Mueller and Weissmann; a thing no one of consequence has done. His sentencing is set for 2/8/19. Meaning he will be in solitary confinement for 8 months before sentencing. He arrived in court Friday in a wheelchair.
— Yossi Gestetner (@YossiGestetner) October 21, 2018
After 2.5 years spying on/persecuting Papado; Page; Flynn; Manafort; Rick Gates; Zwaan, the COLLUSION question is wether Roger Stone really knew in Oct 2016 what Wikileaks was up to or if he was bluffing. BTW knowing of a release (while not involved in hacking) is not a crime.
— Yossi Gestetner (@YossiGestetner) November 2, 2018
I don’t get the OMG that acting AG thinks Mueller went too far. Insane how it has become the norm that letting Mueller destory people for unrelated stuff and/or prosecute in ways not done before is honorable. BTW, those same people go NUTS if you want to investigate Hillary.
— Yossi Gestetner (@YossiGestetner) November 7, 2018
21/ Manafort’s former son-in-law is under federal prosecution for real estate. NBC reports that Corsi is expecting to be indicted for perjury. The more Trumpers indicted for non-Russia or process stuff, the more you get how easy the Comey FBI/Lynch DOJ went after Clinton’s side.
— Yossi Gestetner (@YossiGestetner) November 12, 2018
Rosenstein “Justice” system is A) brazenly burning only one political side and family B) for violations not related to the given reason for why the persecution started (“Russia) and C) most prosecutions R for process crimes about things that have no underlying crime behind it!
— Yossi Gestetner (@YossiGestetner) November 12, 2018
The post The Russia Collusion That Wasn’t: Jerome Corsi Says Mueller Will Indict Him in Perjury Trap appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.