
Once Again, Liberals Objectify Women While Trying to Reach Them

- November 03, 2018

Liberals have a real problem. They don’t seem to realize that women are sentient beings, thinking instead that they are just reproductive vessels who vote every few years. They try to reach us by hammering on abortion, as though all we can think about is creating and then ending lives, and do you remember when the Obama campaign shared this ill-conceived (no pun intended, but it works) meme on their Tumble back in 2012?

I vote like the issues that matter to me depend on it and leave my privates out of it. Why would any self-respecting woman be ok with being reduced to nothing but a vagina? It’s a true mystery.

Apparently, it’s a strategy that works, though, because they’re at it again ahead of the 2018 midterm election. A group of progressive women in Vermont has posed nude for a series of photos with the hashtag #GrabThemByTheBallot (photographed by a man, for what it’s worth). Why? Hard to say. Organizer Dawn Robertson told Seven Days Vermont:

How can we inspire women to vote after the Kavanaugh confirmation, the #MeToo movement and Trump? It’s a culmination of all those factors.

How is being nude on the internet inspiring? How does it stick it to Trump and Kavanaugh? These things remain mysteries.

Let’s hear from a transgender woman identified only by the initial Z who took part in the shoot:

I want to bring awareness to the existence of trans people and the variety in our bodies. To show I exist, this is me, I’m here, I’m a woman, I’m transgender. With everything that’s going on, I just think it’s really important to be visible.

You have to be nude to be visible? What kind of a message is that for women?

Here are a few of the photos. The first contains their mission statement.

Do you feel empowered? I feel confused.


Couldn’t tell you. Here are a couple more to ponder.


We are more than the sum of our ladyparts. Too bad liberals can’t seem to grasp that.

The post Once Again, Liberals Objectify Women While Trying to Reach Them appeared first on RedState.


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