
Laura Loomer Threatens Lawsuit Over Twitter Suspension

- November 24, 2018

Upcoming and prominent conservative journalist Laura Loomer was permanently banned from Twitter earlier this week for speaking the truth about Muslim Democrat Ilhan Omar and her support for Sharia law.

Laura Loomer, a young conservative Jewish woman, was banned from Twitter for criticizing a Muslim Democrat Congresswoman-elect and now has plans to sue Twitter.

Loomer posted a truthful tweet about Muslim Democrat Ilhan Omar earlier this week.

Laura wrote: Isn’t it ironic how the twitter moment used to celebrate “women, LGBTQ, and minorities” is a picture of Ilhan Omar? Ilhan is pro-Sharia Ilhan is pro FGM. Under Sharia homosexuals are oppressed and killed. Women are abused and forced to wear the hijab. Ilhan is anti-Jewish.

On Wednesday, Laura Loomer was notified her account was shut down permanently.

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Laura had 265,000 followers.

Laura was banned for statements that were truthful and correct.

** Rep-elect Ilhan Omar is pro-Sharia — she is a committed Muslim who wears the veil and was once married to her brother.
** Ilhan Omar is pro-Female Genital Mutilation.
** Under Sharia Law gays are persecuted.
** Under Sharia women have less rights than men and are often abused.

Loomer is threatening to sue Twitter via the Washington Times:

“The reason I was suspended was simply for telling the truth,” Ms. Loomer, 25, said in a video statement. “I’ve been silenced in America. I’ve been silenced as a journalist for reporting the truth. It’s egregious.”

“I am going to be filing a lawsuit against Twitter for this. Because this is egregious and its gone too far and they’ve done this to too many people,” she said in the YouTube video.

“Everything I said is 100 percent true. There’s not one thing in that tweet that isn’t true,” she added.

Twitter, along with other left-leaning social media platforms discriminate against conservatives.

Trump supporters are shadowbanned and suspended from social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter yet they allow assassination threats against President Trump to be posted.

Former Breitbart Tech Editor Milo Yiannopoulos and InfoWars founder Alex Jones were also permanently banned from Twitter.

Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan remains on Twitter despite a tweet with the caption, “Thoroughly and completely unmasking the Satanic Jew and the Synagogue of Satan.”

Please contribute to Laura Loomer at Paypal.me/LauraLoomer.
Visit LauraLoomer.us for updates.

The post Laura Loomer Threatens Lawsuit Over Twitter Suspension appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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