
HORRIBLE! WaPo Hack Hurls Disgusting Abuse at Lovely First Lady Melania Trump

- November 28, 2018

America has the most lovely and elegant First Lady in US history.

No other First Lady can touch her style, beauty, posture, intellect and poise.

The First Lady continues to rise in popularity with the American public the more they see her. So the liberal media mostly ignores this lovely woman.

Of course, the liberal media HATES Melania Trump.
They fear her.

On Wednesday The Washington Post went after First Lady Melania Trump in a very personal way.

Here is their anti-Melania headline.
“Look, maybe this just isn’t Melania Trump’s thing. But that’s fine.”

This headline was in the WaPo “Style” section.

This leftist rag has sooo much hatred for this pro-American president that they are smearing the First Lady as having no style.
What a disgusting hit piece.

Via columnist Monica Hesse:

Every time Melania Trump makes another odd gaffe, I can’t help but see it as a useful thing for gender equality. It forces a conversation about how to measure Mrs. Trump’s performance, or whether we even should. It highlights the archaic expectations baked into her role.

This week, her office unveiled the White House Christmas decor, which included a roomful of blood-red trees that looked like leftover props from “The Babadook”— and let me tell you, Melania has definitely given us a useful conversation.

The trees were roundly mocked as horrifying. Obviously, she didn’t build them herself. (She didn’t even show up for the unveiling, which prompted more consternation.) But she did sign off on them, presumably. They’re technically under her purview.

So, why does that matter anyway? Should we expect Melania to be a professional host? In presidential elections, should nominees’ spouses be forced to compete as well, via portfolios of their home decor and cocktail reception hors d’oeuvres?

Family Circle has long held a first lady cookie contest. In 2016, Bill and Hillary Clinton submitted the Clinton Family’s Chocolate Chip Cookies, which dominated the reader poll. Meanwhile, Melania’s Star Cookie recipe came with “hardly any directions,” the magazine’s food director said. The result was a bland wafer — the cookie version of a shrug.

At some point Americans will start tuning out these horrible people and going elsewhere for more honest reporting.

The post HORRIBLE! WaPo Hack Hurls Disgusting Abuse at Lovely First Lady Melania Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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