
Green Party Candidate Jill Stein: Something’s Rotten in Broward! — Need to Investigate Wasserman Schultz and Co.

- November 10, 2018

On Thursday Governor Rick Scott from Florida held a press conference to discuss the ongoing ballot production operation in Palm Beach and Broward counties in Florida.

Broward County, notorious for voter fraud, continues to produce ballots and votes for Democrats two days after the election. The county mysteriously produced 46,000 ballots for Democrat Senator Bill Nelson two days after the election was called.

Something Rotten is going on in Broward.

On Friday former Green candidate Jill Stein called out the crooks in Broward County.

Stein posted a series of tweets attacking the Broward County officials and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Jill Stein: The media needs to investigate the suspicious activity in Broward.

Jill Stein: Signs that something’s rotten in Broward:
– still counting votes 3 days after the election
– 46K votes found day after election
– people caught on tape loading ballots into rented truck
– lection supervisor destroyed @Tim_Canova vs Wasserman-Schultz 2016 ballots against court order

Jill Stein: Investigate Debbie Wasserman Schultz and company!

The post Green Party Candidate Jill Stein: Something’s Rotten in Broward! — Need to Investigate Wasserman Schultz and Co. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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