
Customers Help California Donut Shop Close Early Every Day So Owner Can Visit Recovering Spouse

- November 04, 2018

Although America has often seemed more divided than usual during recent years, we need only look as far as a local community or neighborhood to see Americans uniting to help a neighbor in need, as in the case of a donut shop in Seal Beach, California.

John and Stella Chhan are Cambodian refugees who entered the United States in 1979; they opened their donut shop, Donut City, shortly thereafter.

According to CBS Los Angeles, the Chhans were regular faces behind the counter at Donut City, until Stella recently suffered an aneurysm, causing her to need rehabilitation.

The Chhans’ customers initially offered to set up a GoFundMe for Stella. The offer was declined, so instead the customers worked together to help a different way: They spread the message to buy donuts a dozen at a time, in order to help John close the shop early so he can be with his wife.

“This is something that’ll warm your heart, you know? It’s unfortunate what happened to his wife, but I really believe that something like this, where you convene together, is just… something we really need right now,” Donut City customer Erika Sanchez told CBS Los Angeles.

Watch the CBS Los Angeles video below:

The views expressed here are those of the author and do not represent those of any other individual or entity. Follow Sarah on Twitter: @sarahmquinlan.

The post Customers Help California Donut Shop Close Early Every Day So Owner Can Visit Recovering Spouse appeared first on RedState.


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