
Clinton Foundation Donations Plummet 90% Over Three-Year Period Following Hillary’s Departure From State Department

- November 22, 2018

Grifting isn’t easy when you no longer have any influence and power to peddle.

The Clinton Foundation recently posted its consolidated statement of activities for 2017 and it shows contributions have all but dried up.

Clinton Foundation donations plummeted 90% over a three-year period following Hillary Clinton’s departure from the State Department.

Hillary Clinton left the State Department in 2013 and it looks like nobody wants to pay since she can no longer play.

2014 statement (courtesy of Zero Hedge):

2017 statement:

The Clinton Foundation is under investigation right now by the Department of Justice and FBI for a myriad of reasons.

According to the The Hill, the Clinton Foundation is also under investigation by the IRS to examine whether any tax-exempt assets were converted for personal or political use.

John Huber, the Special Prosecutor tapped by Sessions will testify at a GOP-led Congressional hearing on December 5th on the DOJ’s probe of the Clinton Foundation.

The Hill reported Wednesday:

“Mr. [John] Huber with the Department of Justice and the FBI has been having an investigation – at least part of his task was to look at the Clinton Foundation and what may or may not have happened as it relates to improper activity with that charitable foundation, so we’ve set a hearing date for December the 5th,” he told Hill.TV during an interview on Wednesday.

Meadow’s said the committee plans to delve into a number of Republicans concerns surrounding the foundation, including whether any tax-exempt proceeds for personal gain and whether the Foundation complied with IRS laws.

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch has uncovered countless Hillary Clinton emails showing Clinton Foundation pay-to-play while she was the head of the Department of State.

President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton previously had this to say about Hillary Clinton selling influence and power through her foundation while she was Secretary of State:

“It is shameful that Hillary Clinton attempted to delete or hide classified information and that Obama appointees James Comey and Loretta Lynch refused to prosecute her. It is clear that the Clintons were using the State Department to run an extensive influence peddling scheme. Americans should be concerned that while untold resources are devoted to the abusive Mueller special counsel investigation of President Trump, this Justice Department seems uninterested in prosecuting the Clintons.”

H/T Zero Hedge

The post Clinton Foundation Donations Plummet 90% Over Three-Year Period Following Hillary’s Departure From State Department appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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