
Border Patrol Chief: Illegal Migrants TORE DOWN Section of OLD BORDER WALL – Stormed US Border!

- November 26, 2018

San Diego Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott joined CNN’s New Day on Monday to discuss the illegal migrant violent uprising yesterday at the Tijuana crossing.

Hundreds of illegal caravan migrants stormed the border and hurled rocks and debris at border patrol agents on Sunday.

Chief Patrol Agent Scott told New Day his sector had to bring in several hundred border patrol agents from around the country to help with the current crisis.

Scott said the illegals pushed women and children to the front of the crowd and then hurling rocks at the border patrol agents.

Chief Scott also said 42 illegal migrants were arrested on Sunday.
And then he added this:

Chief Scott: That is correct. 42 crossed the border and were arrested. There were numerous people that actually made it across the border. We are in the process of building a new border wall. There were sections that were dilapidated sections made out of scrap metal that the military had gave us. The group breached a section of this. The group breached a couple sections of this. They actually tore down one section. They rushed across and that’s another time that they actually started assaulting our agents.

The post Border Patrol Chief: Illegal Migrants TORE DOWN Section of OLD BORDER WALL – Stormed US Border! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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