First responders surround the Tree of Life Synagogue where a shooter opened fire Saturday, Oct. 27, 2018. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)
As sure as night follows day, the Washington Post used its front page to blame President Trump and the GOP for yesterday’s massacre at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.
President Trump and his Republican allies, having tried to stoke public fears of Central American migrants ahead of the midterm elections, are suddenly facing accusations that they helped foment a rising right-wing extremism that poses a far greater national security threat.
Over the past few days, the killings of two African Americans in a grocery store outside Louisville, a series of mail bombs targeting a dozen high-profile Democrats allegedly sent by a Trump supporter, and a mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue have left the nation on edge.
The common thread among them appears to be the targeting of specific groups based on race, religion or political persuasion.
Trump has denounced the attacks and called for national unity. At a campaign rally in Illinois Saturday night, Trump said that “the scourge of anti-Semitism cannot be ignored, cannot be tolerated and cannot be allowed to continue.”
When you dig a little deeper into the story you find that what the Post is trying to do is restrict all political points of view, except Democrat views, by labeling them as either racist or as incitements to violence.
In recent days, Trump has taken action against the caravan of Central American migrant families who are traveling by foot in Mexico hundreds of miles from the U.S. southern border. The Trump administration authorized sending 1,000 troops to assist in border security operations, and the White House is weighing a plan to issue a blanket denial for asylum protections, based on national security concerns.
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) issued a tweet on Tuesday warning Republicans that they are under threat of losing in November because of financial support for Democrats from Soros, environmentalist Tom Steyer and New York businessman Michael Bloomberg, a former Republican who is now supporting Democrats.
“We cannot allow Soros, Steyer and Bloomberg to BUY the election!” McCarthy wrote. “Get out and vote Republican November 6th! #MAGA.” He deleted the tweet the following morning after authorities said Soros had been targeted in the mail bomb plot.
A spokesman said on Wednesday that the tweet was aimed at highlighting the enormous financial influence of the men and did not condone violence. McCarthy’s office declined to comment further on Saturday.
“For the Republican Party to deny their stoking of these kinds of sentiments is not believable,” said Simon Rosenberg, the founder of NDN, a liberal think tank. Pointing to studies that have shown a rise of white-supremacist-related deadly attacks in the United States, Rosenberg added: “We know that in the United States and Europe right now, there is a rise in right-wing nationalism, and political parties are seeing the fuel of their rise be the fear of immigrants and people not like them — classic xenophobia. Trump is mimicking all of the same.”
McCarthy, who is in line to potentially replace House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) if Republicans maintain control after the midterms, denounced the “heinous” attack on Tree of Life synagogue Saturday. He pledged to “keep fighting for a country where every religious believer can sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree.”
Ryan called the attacks anti-Semitic, an ideology he said must be eradicated, and he said the nation “will not tolerate this bigotry.”
Yet Ryan’s own Super PAC has been accused of airing campaign ads that have targeted Democrats in racially coded language, including one spot that shows doctored images of an African American candidate in Upstate New York rapping. Ryan’s aides declined to comment for this story.
I’ve pointed out twice what the Democrat agenda was in regards to the inoperative simulated explosive devices sent to some prominent Democrats last week.
We Aren’t To Blame For Political Violence and Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Otherwise
The shameful Democrat weaponizing of the inexcusable killings yesterday simply serve to convince me that, if anything, I understated the case. Trump may have a multitude of faults, mortal and venial, but anti-Semitism is not one of them. And yet…
The price many in the American Jewish community pay for supporting a preternaturally pro-Netanyahu President isn’t worth the moral hazard and risks it now confronts.
— Aaron David Miller (@aarondmiller2) October 28, 2018
And a word to my fellow American Jews: This president makes this possible. Here. Where you live. I hope the embassy move over there, where you don’t live was worth it.
— Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe) October 27, 2018
These are the same “rabbis” of course that advocate an economic and political boycott of the country with most of the world’s Jews—so they’re pretty used to doing nasty, loathsome shit like this. https://t.co/WhtkGvIzS7
— David Reaboi (@davereaboi) October 28, 2018
We are in the middle of a full-court press by the Democrats to shut down any criticism of their agenda by labeling it outside polite discourse. So long as they held the Supreme Court they were willing to allow some free speech but now that that institution has slipped from their grasp and been returned to the American people, the are in a panic.
There is nothing wrong with President Trump pointing out that a caravan of people who are intent upon gaining US residence by breaking the asylum system is approaching our border. There is nothing wrong with pointing out that a pustulent gasbag like George Soros has caused immense sorrow and discord in the world and that Michael Bloomberg is carrying out a direct assault on the Bill of Rights, and that Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg are trying as much as possible to buy the mid-term elections. By the way, the Koch brothers have suddenly dropped off the radar, haven’t they.
The idea that President Trump or his policies encouraged the Pittsburgh shooter to act on his anti-Semitic fantasy is just grotesque.
In light of today’s shooting in Pittsburgh, re-upping this thread. It is important to talk about how growing anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are creating a toxic brew coming from both the fringe right & left. https://t.co/wABZqWSm8O
— Josh Block (@JoshBlockDC) October 27, 2018
Likewise, saying that President Trump’s campaign rallies were responsible for the Chippendale Bomber is as nutty at the bomber himself.
If we buy into this gibberish we are lost. Because then we’d only be allowed to campaign on Democrat approved issues, like health care rather than illegal immigration, and we’d only be able address those issues in a way approved by the Democrats.
Is there any tragedy the Washington Post won’t exploit to attack President @realDonaldTrump? The evil act of anti-Semitism in Pittsburg was committed by a coward who hated President Trump because @POTUS is such an unapologetic defender of the Jewish community and state of Israel. https://t.co/0tCNpepC9k
— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) October 28, 2018
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The post You’ll Never Guess Who the Washington Post Just Blamed for the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting appeared first on RedState.