
We Aren’t To Blame For Political Violence and Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Otherwise

- Oktober 26, 2018

Emergency service personnel with a bomb sniffing dog work outside the building that houses New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s office after a report of a suspicious package, Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2018, in New York. The U.S. Secret Service said Wednesday that it intercepted a bomb that was addressed to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and also discovered a possible explosive sent to former President Barack Obama. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Yesterday, pipe bombs addressed to several Democrat luminaries (the current count is Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Maxine Waters, Robert DeNiro, John Brennan) were intercepted. They all seemed to be from the same person(s)—construction was similar; same envelope, wrapping and stamps were used; all had a return address of Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s home district office.) Earlier in the week, a bomb was left in the mailbox of a residence owned by George Soros. A device was also delivered to CNN, also from the same source, but law enforcement is saying that bomb was not operable. And a device wasn’t delivered to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s office but he claimed one was long enough to have a press conference about it.

At this juncture, no one knows the source or motive for this wave of mail bombs and no one has been hurt—whether by accident or design remains to be seen. What is certain is that the left is weaponizing this event for political advantage. Or, in the words of Rahm Emanuel, “never let a good crisis go to waste.”

What we’re seeing in the wake of this event is a concentrated effort by the left and by their transcriptionists in the media to place all criticism of the left, of its grotesque politics, and of the compliant media that supports them off limits. At the same time, they try to shift blame for individuals, regardless of their politics, onto the GOP and conservatives. So, when Timothy McVeigh blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City, President Clinton blamed Rush Limbaugh. When a mentally disturbed man shot Democrat Gabby Giffords, immediately the left blamed conservatives, particularly Sarah Palin for the shooting. When a Democrat activist tried to shoot up the Family Research Council, it was the FRC’s hate speech that was examined. When a Bernie Bro tried to take out a significant number of GOP congressmen at a baseball practice, well, you guessed it:

The issue was not a literal call-to-arms that has been transmitted by the left, a call that continued up until a couple of days ago:

The issue is never the left’s romanticizing of violence (the Weathermen, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Joanne Chesimard/Assata Shakur, Kathy Boudin, Oscar Lopez Rivera, the antifa). Just as shootings are always the fault of law-abiding gun owners, so too, all political violence is the fault of people on the right engaging in political speech that contradicts the left’s narrative.

And the idea that Donald Trump has some special responsibility for the political environment is disingenuous or uninformed. It wasn’t the right that created a movie based on the assassination of a president they didn’t like, the left did that in 2006. The day before the parcels arrived, the New York Times ran assassination porn fantasizing the killing of President Trump:

Ultimately, the cause of the wave of parcels containing what we’ve been told resemble explosive devices lies in the thought process or impulses of the person or persons that did it. No one on the right encouraged, directly or indirectly, the sending of real or simulated bombs to anyone.

The worst response we can make to this is to change anything we’re doing. The left is reacting the way they are because our message is beginning to take root and they are desperate to silence us. They are trying to make us hold ourselves accountable for something we didn’t do and they are trying to get us to agree with their desired restrictions on our speech. And the only way that happens is if we buy into their narrative that we are the cause of the problem.

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