Guest post by Joe Hoft
After President Trump was elected the stock market skyrocketed and it continues to this day!
The markets are a gauge of the economy and include expectations of the future. After President Trump was elected the DOW exploded. On November 8th, 2016, the DOW stood at 18,332. Since that date the DOW has soared and it never looked back. Today looks to be another all-time high close for the DOW!
Not only has the DOW skyrocketed since Donald Trump was elected President, the market’s rise is record breaking. Since the 2016 election and as of yesterday, the DOW has closed at new record all-time highs 102 times! If the DOW closes at another all-time high today, the DOW will have reached its 103rd all-time high since the 2016 Presidential election. Since the DOW is up currently more than 100 points, it is a good bet that it will break another record all-time high today.
Since the 2016 Presidential election, the DOW has reached a new all-time high once every five days or better than 20% of the time. This means the DOW reaches a new all-time high on average at least once a week since Trump won the election!
President Trump’s first year in office (2017) saw the most all-time stock market closing highs (71) as well as the largest increase in DOW history (4,956 points). Prior to 2017, no year in the DOW’s more than 100-year history ever saw the DOW increase by more than 3,500 points, let alone 4,900. The most all-time highs in a year prior to 2017 was 69 in 1995.
Since President Trump was elected President the DOW tied the record for the most all-time closing highs in a row. In January of 1987 President Reagan saw the DOW increase to new all-time highs a record 12 days in a row. In February of 2017, President Trump matched Reagan’s record.
The DOW reached its fastest 500 point increase between major milestones under President Trump. In January of this year the DOW surpassed 26,000 and six days later the DOW surpassed 26,500. Under President Trump the DOW has seen the fastest 1,000; 2,000; 3,000; 4,000; 5,000; 6,000 and 7,000 point increases in DOW history. No similar records occurred during the Obama years.
Many Presidents over the past century have had little success with the stock market during their Presidencies. Democrats FDR, Harry Truman and Jimmy Carter never saw a new all-time high during their entire Presidencies. G.W. Bush and Barack Obama never saw new all-time highs their entire first terms. Not so with President Trump.
President Trump’s economy is on fire and the DOW shows it. Americans are not yet tired of winning and are actually starting to enjoy winning again!
The post Under President Trump the DOW Reaches a New All-Time High At Least Once a Week On Average! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.