Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) delivered a blockbuster 45-minute speech from the Senate floor on Friday afternoon before finally announcing she is a YES on Kavanaugh.
Collins spoke about several of Judge Kavanaugh’s decisions during his impressive career as a judge.
Collins said his opponents have missed the mark on Judge Kavanaugh.
The Maine senator then proceeded to praise Judge Kavanaugh on his previous decisions.
With Senators Joe Manchin and Jeff Flake voting yes to confirm Kavanaugh, it looks like he is a lock.
Let’s check in with the liberals to see how they are taking the news.
Kathy Griffin looks like she’s handling it well:
— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) October 5, 2018
Radical left-wing blogger Bill Palmer said (in a since deleted tweet) Susan Collins’ just threw away her ability to ever set foot in public again–Is that a threat? What did he mean by that?
And this…
America's day so far:
– Fuck Susan Collins
– Fuck Brett Kavanaugh
– Fuck Donald Trump
– But this isn't over
– If we take back the Senate in November, Kavanaugh will be removed
– Get behind every Democratic Senate candidate in every state
– There are only 32 days to the elections— Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) October 5, 2018
Left-wing agitator Kat Calvin issued a thinly veiled threat to Susan Collins.
Never let Collins have a moment of peace in public again.
— kat calvin (@KatCalvinLA) October 5, 2018
Creepy Porn lawyer Michael Avenatti melted down.
.@SenatorCollins should be ashamed of herself for attacking my client and Dr. Ford. How did she make a credibility determination as to my client? How is she qualified to do that without ANY investigation? She did ZERO to determine whether my client and her witnesses were credible
— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) October 5, 2018
Hillary’s foreign policy spox accused Susan Collins of eviscerating victims of sexual assault.
it was a tough choice, but in the end, @SenatorCollins felt morally obliged to eviscerate the victims of sexual assault.
— Jesse Lehrich (@JesseLehrich) October 5, 2018
Don't let this performance fool you. If @SenatorCollins believed in #MeToo she would have opened the door when I was in her office to hear stories of constituent survivors.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) October 5, 2018
Women’s March called Susan Collins a “rape apologist.”
There is zero evidence to support Brett Kavanaugh is a rapist, but when have facts ever mattered to the left?
This is who @SenatorCollins is:
— Women's March (@womensmarch) October 5, 2018
The post “Rape Apologist” Liberals Melt Down Over Susan Collins’ Blockbuster Speech on Kavanaugh appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.