When it comes to the Second Amendment, upstate New York is nothing like New York City. People who live in New York’s 22nd district believe in their constitutionally guaranteed gun rights.
That’s why it’s kind of a big deal that Republican Claudia Tenney has been endorsed by NRA President Oliver North.
Binghamton Homepage reports:
Oliver North for Tenney
BINGHAMTON, N.Y. – The head of the country’s largest gun advocates group was In Binghamton today to share his support for an incumbent congressional candidate.
NRA President Oliver North joined Republican Congresswoman Claudia Tenney at the Binghamton Rifle Club to announce his endorsement of her.
Tenney has long been a member of the NRA and has an A rating from the organization.
North says that they are proud to support a candidate who believes in preserving constitutional rights.
“What the residents of the 22nd district do deserve is a representative who will protect individual liberty and freedom. Not just for the 22nd district but for my grandkids. Claudia Tenney has always stood with law abiding gun owners who defended the 2nd amendment against those that don’t understand the words shall not be infringed,” North says.
Meanwhile, her Democrat challenger Anthony Brindisi is blaming the NRA.
Syracuse.com reports:
Anthony Brindisi, once top rated by NRA, blames gun lobby for inaction in Congress
Anthony Brindisi said Friday he supports expanding background checks on gun sales, and he blamed the influence of the gun lobby for holding up legislation in Congress.
Brindisi, a Utica Democrat who supports gun rights, had received the top rating from the National Rifle Association during his career in the state Assembly. The NRA recently downgraded his rating to an F.
His comments Friday in a Q&A livestreamed on Syracuse.com and Facebook place him at odds with the NRA, which opposes an expansion of background checks.
Tenney has done a great job for the 22nd district and deserves reelection. Her NRA endorsement makes her commitment to the Second Amendment and the Constitution clear.
The choice is clear for upstate New York voters.
Vote Tenney!
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