Though CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins is from conservative Alabama and started her career at Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller, she’s definitely not a fan of Trump or Republicans these days. That’s not necessarily a bad thing if she’s supposed to be an objective reporter, but we all know that doesn’t fly at CNN.
She recently joined with her friends at CNN in tearing apart Brett Kavanaugh’s yearbook and college beer-drinking habits, but it looks like she had actual youthful indiscretions of her own – and of the kind that can sometimes be fatal in SJW-land.
Past tweets reveal @CNN reporter @kaitlancollins called people “fag” and was uncomfortable around lesbians.
cc: @CNNPR @mdornic @SamFeistCNN @DavidChalian
— LogCabinRepublicans (@LogCabinGOP) October 7, 2018
Those were somewhat tame compared to tweets that were found later.
…it took five minutes to find more ugly Kaitlan Collins tweets
— Alex Thomas (@AlexThomasDC) October 8, 2018
Collins has since issued the standard, “I was young and ignorant and I’m sorry” apology.
When I was in college, I used ignorant language in a few tweets to my friends. It was immature but it doesn’t represent the way I feel at all. I regret it and apologize.
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) October 7, 2018
Age hasn’t done away with ignorance, in this case.
A successful week for the president now looks like your Supreme Court nominee being confirmed by one of the narrowest margins in Senate history and the New York Times publishing a damning investigation into your finances. Times have changed.
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) October 7, 2018
It’s cute how these reporters are acting like Trump’s finance stuff is new. Very little in that report was new. But the leftist media know the general public has an extremely short attention span and almost no memory, so they trot it out again when they need outrage.
Should she be raked over the coals for this? If we were in a normal environment I would say no. We all said stupid things to our friends as a teenager or in college, and probably used words that would now be considered slurs. I doubt Collins was truly attempting to put down gay people, and hey, having grown up in Alabama she probably really didn’t know how lesbians would have sex. In a normal environment I’d give everyone the benefit of the doubt and argue they shouldn’t be damaged by offhand comments they made years ago.
In a normal environment, I’d agree with the Reagan Battalion.
.@kaitlancollins is a fine reporter and 2 old tweets should not change that, we all make mistakes when we are young. move on!
— The Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) October 7, 2018
But, this isn’t a normal environment. While Collins may be a wonderful person, she’s been part of the problem. Her network would have a field day with these tweets had they been tweeted by a Fox News reporter – which was quickly pointed out.
Welcome to the outage mob that you created
— TennesseeForever (@TNforever98) October 8, 2018
As a gay man, I am more offended by the liberals coming to her rescue with "Let's all just move on" because she is a liberal reporter than I am by the homophobic language she used. If she were a conservative, she would be lambasted and labeled a bigot by these same useful idiots.
— Fenix Smith (@FenixSmith) October 8, 2018
I agree that trying to get someone fired for old tweets is BS. None of us would have a job if all of our internal thoughts were on social media.
Digging up out-of-context tweets from 8 years ago and trying to get people fired for them is BS. I've disagreed w/ @kaitlancollins before, but she's a solid reporter.
This is the exact kind of mob behavior that many of us fight against when aimed at the right.
— (((AG))) (@AG_Conservative) October 7, 2018
Collins should not be fired for this. What she should do (but she won’t) is realize how much she’s bought into the elitist mentality of her colleagues and the double standard she applies. She and the rest of the media tried to ruin a man’s life with zero evidence.
Apology not accepted. You should be terminated the same way that your network tried to terminate Kavanaugh.
— American Champion (@AmericanChampi2) October 8, 2018
Her hypocrisy needs to be called out. The double standard needs to be called out. The more we show the American people who these people really are, the faster we will be able to dismantle the Leftist Media Complex.
Live by the sword, die by the sword, or something.
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