
CNN’s Bakari Sellers: Kanye West Is What Happens When Negroes Don’t Read — Candace Owens Offers $100,000 for Debate (VIDEO)

- Oktober 11, 2018

The left it not very happy with Kanye West after he dared to show his support of Donald Trump.
CNN insists it is NOT fake news.

Last night on CNN said the following of Kanye West:
** A result of when negros don’t read
** Is a token negro”
** An attention wh***’
** Has mental issues (mocks this)

And CNN contributor Bakari Sellers said this of Kanye:

“Kanye West Is What Happens When Negroes Don’t Read”

These racist remarks did not sit well with many Americans

Candace Owens tweeted out:

In which Bakari Sellers doubled down on his racist comments.

And finally Candace offered Bakari $10,000 for a debate.

Update: Candace Owens offered Bakari Sellers and Don Lemon $100,000 to debate her and an opponent.

The post CNN’s Bakari Sellers: Kanye West Is What Happens When Negroes Don’t Read — Candace Owens Offers $100,000 for Debate (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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