FILE – The Pentagon is seen in this aerial view in Washington, in this March 27, 2008 file photo. The Pentagon has revised its Law of War guidelines to remove wording that could permit U.S. military commanders to treat war correspondents as ‚Äúunprivileged belligerents‚Äù if they think the journalists are sympathizing or cooperating with enemy forces. The amended manual, published on July 22, 2016, also drops wording that equated journalism with spying. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)
Ricin is one of the biological agents we discovered, along with anthrax, about the time of 9/11. Today two packages containing the deadly substance were discovered in the Pentagon mail room.
At least two packages inside a mail processing center on the Pentagon’s campus are suspected to contain ricin, a Pentagon spokesman tells NBC News.
The mail processing center is located on the Pentagon campus but not within the Pentagon building itself.
The packages were addressed to someone in the Pentagon, the spokesman said.
The two suspicious envelopes that initially tested positive for Ricin were addressed to Secretary of Defense James Mattis and to Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson, a defense official tells CNN
— Ryan Browne (@rabrowne75) October 2, 2018
This looks like an assassination attempt and, if so, there is one nation with an interest in taking both of these guys out.
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