
As Close Kavanaugh Vote Looms, One Republican Senator Heads Home for Daughter’s Wedding

- Oktober 06, 2018

Now that the vote for Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court has been voted to happen following 30 hours of debate, the earliest time we can expect a final vote is around 5 p.m. ET on Saturday.

But there’s one small potential problem, tomorrow is the wedding of Sen. Steve Daines’ (R-MT) daughter and he told The Associated Press on Thursday that he won’t be missing walking her down the aisle, Kavanaugh vote or no.

Daines has been supportive of Judge Kavanaugh throughout the weeks of hearings and uncorroborated accusations of sexual assault and smearing.

During the cloture vote, Republican Sens. Susan Collins and Jeff Flake voted for cloture, and West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin crossed the aisle and voted “yea” as well.

With a 51-49 cloture vote, holding off the vote until late Saturday night — long enough for Dains to get back to Washington D.C. after the wedding — or Sunday would make the most sense, as aggravating as that might be for those of us waiting for this vote to be over with. Proxy votes are allowed in some cases in committee, but for full floor votes, Senators must be present.

Either way, one can be sure Vice President Mike Pence will be hanging around the nation’s capital this weekend should a tie-breaker be needed.

The post As Close Kavanaugh Vote Looms, One Republican Senator Heads Home for Daughter’s Wedding appeared first on RedState.


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