
Alec Baldwin: Lets Overthrow The U.S. Government, Non Violently Of Course.

- Oktober 15, 2018


Oh Alec, don’t you ever change. EVER!!!

The guy who won an Emmy for impersonating Donald Trump was the keynote speaker at a Democrat dinner to raise money for those on the ticket in New Hampshire on Sunday night. he called for an overthrow of the United States government led by President Donald Trump.

Peacefully of course.

According to the Union Leader

“The way we implement change in America is through elections,” Baldwin said. “In that orderly way, we need to overthrow the government of the United States under Donald Trump. Not in a violent, awful way, but it must be overthrown nonetheless. Let’s make America great again, by making Donald Trump a casino operator again.”

Now I know if a conservative had said this Brooke Baldwin over at CNN would not be hushing anyone not to use the “M” word or disregarding this, she would be in a full-blown battle mode that someone is calling for the overthrow of the government.

I’m sure Baldwin meant it in a purely peaceful manner but with the track record so far this year with the groups he is aligned with one can never be so sure. Of course then again with his own temper being a public record maybe he does mean a violent overthrow and was just being nice for the cameras.

A couple of other things that struck me about this story.

This was the inaugural dinner of the newly named “Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner” for the New Hampshire Dems. This is the third name change in 3 years.


Sunday’s event was previously known as the “Jefferson-Jackson Dinner” before being switched in 2016 to the “Kennedy-Clinton Dinner.” The national controversy over sexual harassment fueled by the “#MeToo” movement earlier this year prompted the name change.


That is so 2018 I can’t stop laughing.

Also, Baldwin in a Q&A with the media had this to say about Trump being President.

“For me, every day I wake up, I still am horrified,” Baldwin said, “I feel like I’m in some dream where Trump is the President. In New York, Donald Trump is not a punch line. He’s not a joke. He is nothing. He went on a TV show for many years and convinced middle America that he was this crack businessman.”

Therein lies the rub as some people say.

Donald Trump is “nothing” in New York. You mean except that he is President of the United States which New York City is part of. Alec in that brief paragraph shows why he and his other pampered progressives just don’t get it. The vast majority of America does not live on either coast, they live where people actually do things not just pretend to be things.

He should give that a try once.

In case you missed my other post on a different subject Sen. Hatch ‘Shoos Away’ People Yelling At Him, Tells Them To “Grow Up” and my podcast Bourbon On The Rocks check it out and follow me on the twitters at IRISHDUKE2



The post Alec Baldwin: Lets Overthrow The U.S. Government, Non Violently Of Course. appeared first on RedState.


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