
Water Cooler 09/06/18 Open Thread; Actually Doing Something About Voter Fraud; You Can’t Fool All Of The People All Of The Time

- September 06, 2018

Department Of Justice and ICE Issue Subpoenas To All Of North Carolina

An assistant U.S. Attorney issued subpoenas to the Boards of Elections in all 44 counties in the state’s Federal Eastern District.

The subpoenas were issued on behalf of the U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agency.

The boards have until Sept. 25 to provide “any and all poll books, e-poll books, voting records, and/or voter authorization documents, and executed official ballots (including absentee official ballots)” that were submitted to, filed by, received by and/or maintained by the boards from Aug. 30, 2013 through Aug. 30, 2018.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office also issued a subpoena for information from the North Carolina State Board of Elections.

–ABC News

It’s a start, and its especially telling that the target is North Carolina which had one of those amazing miracles where the Democrat candidate had votes discovered after nominally losing the election.

Thomas Stark, a Chapel Hill-based attorney who is the general counsel for the NCGOP, filed an election protest on Friday, alleging there was malfeasance in the final count. Stark is a Durham County voter and has voted in 2012, 2014, and 2016.

Stark claims a “critical error” in the voting machines scanning ballots caused an influx of unreliable data because, in some instances, a corruption of the cards used to log votes can lead to a corruption of the internal memory of the tabulation machines.


It’s long long overdue, that we have Voter ID and other mechanisms that will allow people to have confidence in the election system.


Looks Like Democrats Playbook Failing With Kavanaugh.

It’s always good to remember that much of the left tactics is elaborate shadow puppetry. They don’t have the support or power to force things directly (thank heaven) so they resort to illusion, smoke and mirrors to convince people they have these needed properties and to oppose them will be a fruitless effort. Thankfully it’s failing in the case of the Kavanaugh nomination according to polling by Rasmussen Reports.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 33% of Likely U.S. Voters think the opposition to Kavanuagh is due mostly to honest differences of opinion. But a plurality (45%) says the opposition is mostly due to partisan politics. Twenty-two percent (22%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

–Rasmussen Reports

I suspect that as the freak show continues the Democrats are going to lose even more of their credibility. It would be interesting to see follow on questions about how the public views the process and the participants.

Drink up That’s it for the Watercooler today. As always it’s an open thread

The post Water Cooler 09/06/18 Open Thread; Actually Doing Something About Voter Fraud; You Can’t Fool All Of The People All Of The Time appeared first on RedState.


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