
Papadopoulos: British Govt. Was Spying on Trump Campaign by April 2016 – Obama Knew

- September 22, 2018

George Papadopoulos, the Trump campaign volunteer targeted by the Deep State and foreign spies let loose on Twitter this week and claimed he was targeted by US allies and “Obama knew!”

Papadopoulos tweeted on September 13th that the Brits met with him often before the 2016 campaign –

Papadopoulos notified the FBI that he thought Aussie diplomat Downer was illegally taping him –

After Papadopoulos humiliated British PM Cameron in the press, Downer wanted to meet.

George Papadopoulos discussed the tweets with this explosive interview with Martha MacCallum.

And on Friday George Papadopoulos followed up his busy week by accusing the British and Aussie governments of sabotaging the Trump campaign.

Papadopoulos: The British and Australian governments’ attempt to sabotage the Trump campaign is about to backfire in a spectacular fashion. The day that BRITISH intelligence source, Stefan Halper, lured me to London so that the British MI6 could spy on the campaign, the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs invited me to their offices to talk about Trump and what a threat him supporting Breexit was.

The post Papadopoulos: British Govt. Was Spying on Trump Campaign by April 2016 – Obama Knew appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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