
Twitter Permanently BANS Conservative Gavin McInnes and the Official Proud Boys Account

- Agustus 11, 2018

Twitter has banned both the official verified account for the Proud Boys and the account belonging to their founder, comedian and CRTV host Gavin McInnes.

Twitter also banned the accounts belonging to The Proud Boys Girls, all chapter accounts, and Kyle Chapman, who is better known online as Based Stickman.

The suspensions are permanent, though no reason was provided. All of the accounts appear to have been banned at the same time.

The account holders were all warned that if they attempt to create new accounts, those will also be banned.

It also appears that Twitter has banned links to the Proud Boys website.

“This is all a coordinated attack to prevent Trump from getting re-elected. It’s pointless however because he’s already won and ironically, it’s because of moves like this,” McInnes told Gateway Pundit.

McInnes also noted that leftist media is trying to link their ban to the upcoming Unite Rally, which he has repeatedly denounced.

He told the Gateway Pundit that “the dumbasses on the left are saying were banned ‘before Unite the Right rally.’ I clearly disavowed that. It’s not our bag.”

In fact, the day before his suspension he tweeted, “it goes without saying the #ProudBoys won’t have anything to do with this. We are a multiracial club that eschews the alt-right and everything they and #occupyWallStreet’s Jason Kessler stand for. He’s a DNC operative.”

The person running the official Proud Boys account echoed the sentiments about it being a coordinated attack, as social media platforms crack down on pro-Trump voices.

“It’s a coordinated attack to stop us from reaching people with our message.  White supremacists aren’t a problem for the left. They promote them at every turn and use them to scare their voters into voting for them. A group like ours that is unapologetically proud of their patriotism and one that includes men that are both gay and straight from all races and religions scares the shit out of the left and those trying to control us.  First they called us Nazis and when that failed they tried to silence us. We aren’t going anywhere,” the owner of the Proud Boys account told Gateway Pundit. “We will continue to grow. We will continue to win and they know it.  See you all on the next platform. YouTube, Apple, Twitter and Facebook are destroying themselves faster than we ever could.”

Twitter told Buzzfeed that it was due to their policy of banning “extremist groups” — yet dozens of Antifa accounts remain active.

You can continue to follow McInnes on his Instagram account and on CRTV.com.

The post Twitter Permanently BANS Conservative Gavin McInnes and the Official Proud Boys Account appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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