
The RedState Box Office Report

- Agustus 12, 2018


A feeding frenzy broke out

Coming into the weekend the waters were looking calm. A new arrival might make a ripple, but it would be a challenge to sink last week’s champ who was expected to stay afloat and remain on the surface of the box office. But then from the depths came a surprise.

In sharp contrast to last summer when the overall field lagged, and the August frame was a tepid affair entirely, this year has been robust — and this month has shown some real strength. This weekend is showing a +20% increase over the same weekend last year. A person can go broke trying to predict movie audiences.


1. THE MEG – $44.5 Million
Jason Statham stars in a pure action sci-fi lark about a monolithic shark released from the ocean’s depths. It was science-be-damned in the romp with high production value and a fair dose of self-deprecation. (It has been described as a “thinking person’s Sharknado”). Initially projected to land below $25 million it has over-performed all weekend, and it stands as the biggest opening for director Jon Turteltaub, and for a Statham-starring movie. The previews were strong, and Friday was impressive, but what was most telling was the Saturday number was even better, as the larger films usually see a slight drop off. This means the title nearly doubled most predictions. It stands as the biggest opening for any shark movie.

The critically-raved action piece from Tom Cruise is still performing strong. Coming slightly lower than expected, due to the shark gobbling up far more interest, it is still a solid third week as the title is about at the $180 million level. Overseas has been a boon as well, with an additional $275 million collected


Following a mild opening last week it is holding respectively, if not impressively. It fell less than -50%, and has made it to $50 million. Not a smash, by the studios’ own live-action “vault classics” standards, but there is respectability in the figures.

4. SLENDER MAN – $11.32m
Delivering slightly better than the sub-10mil projection it will not fare too well going forward. Based off of an internet video sensation from years ago this became a by-the-numbers horror release that impressed no one. Critics beat up on this with a meager 15% Favorable on Rotten Tomatoes, but worse than that the audiences HATED this. CinemaScaore exit polling gave this a dismal “D-minus” grade.

5. BLACKkKLANSMAN – $10.8m
Spike Lee’s version of a true-life story set in the 1970s of a black detective who infiltrated the Klan. It was favored by older audiences and showed strong interest. It placed this low due to a limited rollout in barely 1,500 theaters, but the very strong $7,000 screen average was beaten only by the massive shark this weekend.

Dumped onto the summer marketplace by Lionsgate this unfunny spy spoof is not finding any traction with ticket buyers. While it sports a respectable second-week drop (-45%) that is following a rather dismal opening last week.

Crossing the $100 million line it is still pacing slightly ahead of the original, which went on to finish with $144 million. The sequel is doing better overseas, but it remains to prove as strong globally — the original finished with a total of $600 million.

8. EQUALIZER 2 – $5.5m
Continuing its steady pace this is surprisingly approaching the $100 million mark as well.

Gradually approaching the $150 million plateau, which will exceed the original.

10. ANT-MAN AND THE WASP – $4.04m
They have passed by the first film’s total and crossed the $200 million landmark.



For more political, entertainment, and bad movie coverage find me at @MartiniShark

The post The RedState Box Office Report appeared first on RedState.


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