Image via Twitter https://twitter.com/willsommer/status/1028732233807523841
Looks like this big media day ended with little to show for it, at least from the media perspective. The neo-Nazis were small in number and well-behaved. The media’s favorite side, the so-called antifa, was out of control and prone to violence but about 80% of the media had their black bandannas in their pockets.
As the event wound down, there was a clash between the antifa goons and uniformed Secret Service near the White House. Apparently, it was set off when the Secret Service made it clear they were going to escort the “Unite the Right” clowns out of the area.
DC police are trying to clear the area near Lafayette Square and say the white nationalists have left. Counterprotesters here are very angry and aren’t buying it. #UniteTheRight2 pic.twitter.com/YBgf9ev2VS
— Christal Hayes (@Journo_Christal) August 12, 2018
Whoa. This @DCPoliceDept officer was nearly mobbed by a group of counterprotesters at #UniteTheRight2. People were throwing things at him, shoving him and kicking his motorcycle. Looks like another cop was also in the mix, too. pic.twitter.com/IHoc5dvebW
— Christal Hayes (@Journo_Christal) August 12, 2018
Chaos has erupted on 13th and G, where counterprotesters and police continue to face off; meanwhile, medics on the sidewalk are providing emergency treatment to people who have been tear gassed pic.twitter.com/yEVA4nKC4b
— Caroline Simon (@carolinesimon66) August 12, 2018
Looks like someone set off a smoke bomb in the middle of the antifa group pic.twitter.com/VRbPjgv9kd
— Will Sommer (@willsommer) August 12, 2018
Antifa and Secret Service clash in front of the White House
Eggs flying pic.twitter.com/Mia6ktnyrB
— Tim Mak (@timkmak) August 12, 2018
Masked antifa launch fireworks, water bottles, eggs at cops
Secret service has backed off pic.twitter.com/Jrru0by0WM
— Tim Mak (@timkmak) August 12, 2018
Dodged an egg thrown at my head from inside the Antifa crowd as NPR's Brian Mann narrated pic.twitter.com/wQKUdSCirw
— Tim Mak (@timkmak) August 12, 2018
An antifascist black-bloc deployment at the West end of the park has failed to prevent Jason Kessler and his small band of neonazis from entering and rallying in front of the White House. For a moment it appeared secret service were preparing to rush the group from EEOB. pic.twitter.com/oiQkV4jXQE
— E. K. Hornbeck (@PykeA) August 12, 2018
This bunch has been coddled and lionized by the left in general and by the media in particular. Each appearance gets more tense and more violent as they are led to believe that they are untouchable. Inevitably, something very bad and very permanent is going to happen to this bunch of weenie-armed goons. When it does, the press is going to blame everyone but itself.
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