
Here’s Why Manafort’s Lawyers Think They Have Enough to Exonerate Their Client

- Agustus 17, 2018

Guest post by Joe Hoft

Paul Manafort’s lawyers decided to opt out on a defense for their client and instead skip to closing arguments. At first glance this appeared that they were giving in.  Now we know they felt they had enough and did not need to risk having their client on the stand.

Mueller’s prosecutors rested their case Monday, day 10 of the bank fraud and tax evasion trial against Paul Manafort playing out in an Alexandria, VA courtroom. The prosecution brought forward 23 witnesses; five of the witnesses testified against Paul Manafort under the protection of immunity.  On Tuesday, Paul Manafort’s attorneys opted to skip out on a defense and proceeded to closing arguments instead; the closing arguments began Wednesday morning.

Below is a synopsis on what Manafort’s attorney’s said which shows the law is on Manfort’s side supported by tweets from Techno Fog.

Manafort’s Attorney’s first ask – If Manafort was committing a crime – why did he tell everyone?

Next Manafort’s attorneys ask why did Mueller’s team (lie) and say Manafort had no money?

Mueller’s team said Manafort filed a faulty P&L statement but this doesn’t agree with bank records –

Mueller basically looking for a crime (not their job – Mueller should be ashamed – this is Russia Nazi tactics) –

The banks had no problems until Mueller’s team came along –

Mueller’s loan was examined by regulators and they noted nothing wrong –

Why were bank fraud charges filed? To add to the case to make it look worse? Manafort’s loan was legal! –

As to conspiracy – why is only Manafort charged and not Gates as well?

Bank officials cleared up questions on Manafort’s loans (but Mueller apparently did not share this) –

Manafort’s team provide support for bank thanking Manafort for clearing up issues on loan –

People don’t normally get prosecuted for how they describe where they live – ouch –

Loans supported by millions in excess capital (no crime) –

These weren’t “buddy loans” as Mueller claimed, the bank made a killing –

Now for Mueller’s star witness – Rich Gates – he’s a joke –

Gates is a liar –

Gates filed false tax returns in the middle of the Mueller investigation (wow) –

Gates was coached by corrupt Mueller team –

Issue with taxes could have been addressed in an audit (why Mueller bringing it up here?) –

One of Mueller’s star witnesses only looked at some of the evidence – not all –

How can there be a grand concealment when Manafort told Gates to “Tell [the FBI] everything, be open about this” in 2014?

Manafort disclosed offshore accounts in 2014 review – (why redo this case now?) –

Gates is the crook (Mueller is too) –

After this after nearly two hours of instructions by Judge Ellis, the jury began to deliberate Thursday morning in the tax evasion and bank fraud case against Paul Manafort.

Maybe Manafort’s lawyers did enough – no doubt their closing arguments are powerful. The entire case should ultimately be thrown out and Mueller should be the one indicted.

The post Here’s Why Manafort’s Lawyers Think They Have Enough to Exonerate Their Client appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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