
Congressional Candidate Rashida Tlaib: ‘No’ to Nancy Pelosi as Majority Leader

- Agustus 10, 2018



Icon. Left-wing luminary. Paragon of nutty politics.

But is Nancy “Armageddon” Pelosi’s star fading? Maybe so.

Democratic congressional hopeful Rashida Tlaib appeared on CNN Tuesday with a less-than-supportive attitude toward the aging House Minority Leader.

Tlaib was asked if, in the event that Democrats retake the House courtesy of November’s midterms, she would endorse Pelosi as majority leader.

The answer was a “Naaaah.”

Previously, Rashida had grouped herself with the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (please read both my recent articles on the democratic socialist and a challenge by Ben Shapiro) — new blood in the party, ready to get rid of the stagnant, stale, and corrupt.

Host John Berman recounted a tweeted claim by Tlaib’s in May:

“Last spring when you were running, you said, ‘We’re changing the Democratic party, getting rid of Democratic sellouts.’ Who are the sellouts?”

In the world of politics, that could prompt a rather lengthy answer.

“I don’t know, but I can tell you this: the number one thing I was asked at the door is, ‘Will you sell us out?'”

“You must have had someone in mind there,” Berman probed.

Rashida recalled local Michigan politicians sponsoring tax breaks for a hockey stadium, sanctioning which “took away millions of dollars from schools.”

“Watching my neighborhood schools close down … It’s been really hard to see those public monies shift away from schools and city services and to for-profit development. To me, that’s against the Democratic values. And to me, that’s selling out. Selling out on our families, and so many people that put so much effort to get us in office, expect us to put them before corporate profits.”

Then Berman moved to Pelosi. Would Tlaib — who’s poised to become the first Muslim congresswoman — give the thumbs-up for the 78-year-old representative to lead in the House?

“Probably not. Probably not. That’s my answer.”

She went on to explain:

“Look — I think, for me, I need someone that’s connected with the different levels of poverty and the fact that there are structures and barriers, for working families in my district that need to be dismantled. And supporting big banks — and supporting efforts that I don’t think put the people first — is troubling.”

Berman pressed for a more confrontational comment:

“Is she one of those people you’re referring to as a Democratic sellout?”

It sure sounded like it:

“Look, I don’t know. All I can tell you is, she doesn’t speak about the issues that are important to the families of the 13th Congressional District. And they are priority for me.”

Tlaib isn’t alone. According to The Washington Free Beacon, more than 20 Democratic candidates have said they won’t approve of Pelosi as head of the Democratic Caucus.

Depending on what November brings, Nancy Pelosi could be on the road to outsville.

But something tells me she won’t go down without a fight. Just take a look — she ain’t easily intimidated:

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