
‘Watchdog’ Group Files Most Tone Deaf and Badly Timed Ethics Complaint Ever

- Juli 17, 2018

CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington) has either just revealed that they are a ridiculously tribal, blindly partisan organization organization or that they have been asleep for the last month. Maybe both.

An ethics group has filed a complaint arguing that first lady Melania Trump’s spokeswoman violated federal law by using the president’s campaign slogan on her White House Twitter account.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed the complaint with the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) against Trump spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham.

The Hill has reached out to Grisham and the White House for comment.

If I were Grisham, my comment would be, “Seriously, guys? I mean…SERIOUSLY?”

Jonah Goldberg’s G-File last week was probably the most comprehensive discussion of how stupid the world of politics got last week. If you haven’t read it yet, do yourself a favor and check it out. One would think that with so much dumbness occurring in one week that maybe we would be due for a lull. One would be wrong.  The dumb just keeps on coming.

Here is Grisham’s offending tweet.

The horror.

I’m not even going to examine the minutia and technicalities about what constitutes a Hatch Act violation. Maybe it is a violation. Maybe it’s not. Either way this is the equivalent of someone complaining to the homeowners association that Grisham’s house has a burned out porch light while two doors down there’s a gang of drunken teenagers firing guns and cooking live cats over a tire fire in the street.

We literally just had a psychotic looking FBI agent dragged before Congress about bragging to his side chick that he was going to stop Trump from getting elected. Guess what’s not in the “What’s new?” page of CREW’s website.

I’m not one to speak up for the ethics of the Trump administration. The “best people” have been anything but for the most part, but this is the most picayune ethics complaint I can recall.

Hashtags have multiple purposes, one of which is to enter a tweet into a particular online discussion so people who follow that discussion will be more likely to see that tweet. Adding #MAGA isn’t necessarily campaigning. If Grisham intended it as campaigning, it is probably the least possible effort one can make for a campaign without literally being in a medically induced coma.

That a group claiming to advocate for responsibility and ethics in Washington stoops to such partisan hackery is laughable at any time but to do so now with such abuses of the public’s trust are in the spotlight is unbelievably stupid. Strike that. We’re talking about Washington so any level of stupid is technically believable, but this definitely deserves an award for outstanding achievement in stupidity.

The post ‘Watchdog’ Group Files Most Tone Deaf and Badly Timed Ethics Complaint Ever appeared first on RedState.


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