Savannah Pritchett is a 24-year-old gas station attendant in California. She might not look like a hero, but for one young woman in particular Savannah definitely fits the bill.
Pritchett was working at a Triple R Gas and Mini Mart in Stanislaus County when she says a young woman entered the store and pleaded for help, saying she’d been kidnapped and sexually assaulted by a group of men waiting outside. She had somehow persuaded her kidnappers to pull over so she could use the restroom. Pritchett locked her in the bathroom, keeping a cool head when the men came to the door to check on their victim.
From Fox40 News:
When she entered the Triple R Gas and Mini Mart, she told Savannah Pritchett what happened and begged for help. Pritchett didn’t hesitate and gave the woman her cell phone and locked her in the bathroom while she called the police.
“Everything that happened, it was just instinct for me, like I knew that I had to keep her hidden,” Pritchett told FOX 40.
Pritchett did not lose her cool or composure when the armed kidnappers attempted to enter the convenience store.
“They asked me, you know, ‘Why’d you lock the door?’ and I told them she told me she started her period,” Pritchett said.
Deputies showed up with their guns drawn and arrested 18-year-old Anthony Sandoval and two 16-year-olds. They arrested a fourth teenager in connection with the kidnapping the next day.
Police said that the suspects have gang ties and are facing multiple charges for kidnapping, armed robbery, and sexual assault.
In a Facebook post, the Stanislaus Count Sheriff’s Department called Pritchett a “true hero”, crediting her bravery and quick thinking with saving the unidentified woman.
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