Just when you thought the city of Portland couldn’t possibly get anymore wackjob-y, city officials say “HOLD MY BEER!” and issue a fine to I.C.E. over the temporary fence that the agency erected to keep protesters out. Since Portland police were ordered to stand down by mayor Ted Wheeler and police chief Danielle Outlaw (yes, the chief of police is named OUTLAW) and let the protesters perpetually terrorize I.C.E. employees, officials at the building were left with little choice.
Oregon Public Broadcasting (PBS) reports:
A large fence U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement built to keep protestors away from its southwest Portland facility was constructed without proper permits, Portland city officials said Monday.
Now ICE’s wall might have to come down.
The city’s Bureau of Development Services issued a correction notice to ICE on Monday, after inspecting the fence. The structure was erected last week, following weeks of protest outside the southwest Portland facility.
“Upon examination, the inspector found that the fence was more than eight feet tall, which is a violation of Oregon Structural Specialty Code,” the city of Portland said in a statement. “A formal letter will be sent to the property owner. The property owner is required to respond to the correction notice within 10 days of receipt.”
According to BDS spokesman Thomas Ngo, the notice was issued by an inspector who was in the neighborhood and “noticed the fence was way too high.”
The city’s citation is notable in part because Chloe Eudaly, the city commissioner who oversees code enforcement, has been a vocal critic of federal immigration policy and has expressed support for the camp. But Eudaly’s chief of staff, Marshall Runkel, said Monday that she hadn’t directed the inspector to visit the site.
Citing Monday’s arrest of two protestors by federal officers, Runkel said, “I can tell you that the fence is providing some useful functions. It’s a dangerous situation down there.”
Incredibly enough, as the protest grew and protesters put up their own makeshift walls and structures using shipping pallets and tarps, the city had no problem with those fences. Even the ones that went over railroad tracks.
I guess Portland considers those structures and fences to meet code.
You can reach city commission-person Chloe Eudaly at 503-823-4682, chloe@portlandoregon.gov , on her facebook page, or on twitter @ChloeEudalyPDX.
You can reach the Portland “Bureau of Development Services” at 503-823-7300 or bds@portlandoregon.gov . They are also twitter @BDSPortland , not to be confused with the “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions” movement that advocates for the elimination of Israel.
The post Portland Fines ICE After Fence Erected to Block Unhinged Protesters Violates City Code appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.