In a moment of extreme irony, pro-life activists were shouted down by a mob of Democratic Party protesters during the “Families Belong Together” march in Washington, DC.
The protests against the United States having control over their borders were organized by under the guise of caring about children being temporarily separated from their parents when they arrive illegally. Yet, when confronted about little lives inside a womb, the protesters lost their minds.
Anti abortion activists present #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch @MoCoSentinel
— Nickolai Sukharev (@Nickolaiss) June 30, 2018
Journalist Nickolai Sukharev captured photos of the pro-life activists and a video of the mob that surrounded them. The Democrats encircled the pro-life activists and began chanting “shame” over and over — an intimidation tactic that we often see used on members of the press and others that they disagree with.
Anti abortion activists being shouted down #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch @MoCoSentinel
— Nickolai Sukharev (@Nickolaiss) June 30, 2018
Ironically, I can hear chanting from a pro-life counter-protest to the protest against family separation. America 2018.
— Joyce Alene (@JoyceWhiteVance) June 30, 2018
On social media, hundreds of people also expressed confusion about how the Democratic Party is staging protests “for the children” nationwide while simultaneously advocating for abortion.
#FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch#DemocratsPartyOfHate Do not want children "RIPPED" from their parents.#DemocratsPartyOfHate Do NOT WANT TO END ABORTION.
I am confused.#LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #LiberalHypocrisy#MAGA #AbortionIsMurder#KeepBabiesALIVE#StopRIPPINGBabiesOut
— Shawn (@22norsedad) June 30, 2018
im so confused, people are doing the #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch but these are the same people who think #abortion is ok? So we should kill the kids before they are even born? Sorry, but what.
— xScalen (@MarahasISR) June 30, 2018
#FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch Right. So let’s end Abortion. So glad the left is waking up to this. #WalkAway
— trumpnation2020 (@datrumpnation1) June 30, 2018
MT @lifehaspurpose When media pundits and other liberal abortion apologists try to call out #prolife leaders for not supporting illegal immigration, this is our response. #KeepFamiliesTogether #Stop #Exploiting #Children #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch
— ✝️"Do not be silent"🗣️Acts 18:9-10📣 (@DarleneHBrook) June 30, 2018
People are complaining about 2,000 children receiving good care while their parents who committed a crime are held for a Hearing.
These same people fight to support MURDERING CHILDREN with late-term #abortion. #ProChoice #Progressive #life #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch
— LISTENER (@BruceMcAvoy) June 30, 2018
The post IRONY: Pro-Life Activists Shouted Down by Mob of #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch Protesters (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.