
In an Unusual Request, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein Asks Federal Prosecutors to Help With Kavanaugh Paperwork …WTH?

- Juli 12, 2018

What is Rosenstein up to now?

And where is AG Sessions??

In an unusual request, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein asked federal prosecutors to help review documents of President Trump’s SCOTUS nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.

Rosenstein’s email subject line sent to 93 US Attorney’d read, “Personal Message to U.S. Attorneys From the Deputy A.G.,” and included the sentence, “We need your help in connection with President Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve on the Supreme Court.”

The New York Times reported:

 Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, has asked federal prosecutors to help review the government documents of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, according to a letter obtained by The New York Times on Wednesday.

Mr. Rosenstein’s request was an unusual insertion of politics into federal law enforcement. While the Justice Department has helped work on previous Supreme Court nominations, department lawyers in Washington typically carry out that task, not prosecutors who pursue criminal investigations nationwide.

But in an email sent this week to the nation’s 93 United States attorneys, Mr. Rosenstein asked each office to provide up to three federal prosecutors “who can make this important project a priority for the next several weeks.” Names were to be submitted to Mr. Rosenstein’s office by the end of Wednesday.

Mr. Rosenstein’s email, which had the subject line “Personal Message to U.S. Attorneys From the Deputy A.G.,” included the sentence, “We need your help in connection with President Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve on the Supreme Court.”

According to Christopher Hunter, a former FBI agent and federal prosecutor, “It’s flat-out wrong to have career federal prosecutors engaged in a political process like the vetting of a Supreme Court nominee. It takes them away from the mission they’re supposed to be fulfilling, which is effective criminal justice enforcement,” The New York Times reported.

Rosenstein said in his email to the Department that he expects to have the equivalent of 100 full-time lawyers to work on Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

Although federal prosecutors have been used in the past to help with judicial confirmations, this is the first time a Deputy Attorney General has sent out such a broad request to United States attorneys offices, says the New York Times.

On Monday, President Trump announced Judge Brett Kavanaugh as his second pick for the Supreme Court of the United States.

Judge Kavanaugh will replace Justice Kennedy on the Supreme Court.

Rosenstein knows President Trump can take Mueller all the way up to the Supreme Court so it appears he is doing everything he can to delay the confirmation to prevent Trump from cementing a conservative majority which could ultimately put an end to the Russia witch hunt.
Overall it is unnecessary to for Rosenstein to vet Judge Kavanaugh at all because he should have already been vetted in order to hold his current position –

Rosenstein is one of Deep State’s most criminal and corrupt players.  He should be in jail rather than putting innocent Americans in jail or slandering them.

The post In an Unusual Request, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein Asks Federal Prosecutors to Help With Kavanaugh Paperwork …WTH? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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