Guest post by Ted Malloch:
On Wednesday July 25th. the man Donald Trump labeled a” brutal killer,” the top dog in the European Union, Jean Claude Juncker, takes his stuff to the White House.
European Commission spokesperson Margaritis Schinas said this Wednesday’s talks between Juncker and Trump, would seek to “de-dramatize any potential tensions around trade.”
Asked whether Juncker would have a specific measure that could prevent the new tariffs, she added: “There are no offers. This is a discussion, it is a dialogue and it is an opportunity to talk and to stay engaged in dialogue.”
Supposedly, Juncker believes he, and he alone, can “head off a trade war”.
He is walking into a literally buzz saw.
The EU embodies everything that Trump’s strategy “America First” opposes.
It is not just a feckless, bureaucratic, unrepresentative, regulatory, multilateral organization—it is attempting to be the paramount globalist supranational power in the world. It applauds open borders, endless immigration, and free movement of peoples, and it denies the sovereignty of its members—the 28 very nation states that make up Europe.
There have been “words” between Trump and Junker before. The ‘karma’ is not good.
The President has recently said the EU is a” foe of the US.” And Herr Junker once suggested that Texas break away from the UNITED States since Trump positively backed Brexit—the UK withdrawal from the EU. Indeed Trump’s suggestion over a week ago to PM Theresa May in an interview in The Sun newspaper suggested the Brits go in hard against Juncker’s team at the EU, even advocating they crash out and sue them.
Juncker, is in fact worried about just two things.
His own cushy (and non-elected) job first off, which is going downhill fast as other European countries, like Italy, Hungary and Poland want to tame his beastly EU. And secondly, a German worry about Trump’s plan to raise the tariffs on European car imports. The EU has a 10% tariff and the US a 2.5% tariff on auto imports and Trump has frankly had enough, suggesting we don’t need all these Mercedes and BWMs driving down Fifth Avenue. The EU is totally dominated by Germany and Junker is truthfully their pawn and patsy.
This economic issue is a big one for Europe, and especially for the German’s, whose entire industrial base in built around expensive auto exports and that supply chain.
Juncker will find the President to be most straightforward. He believes the EU itself is the obstacle—the very embodiment of all that Juncker and his ilk believe in and has worked a lifetime to bolster. Juncker in a past incarnation was the Prime Minister of the tax haven, tiny Luxembourg.
Trump should tell Juncker things are different now. The transatlantic alliance is no longer all give and no take. Nor is the US a European piggybank. The old alliance is over and is being rethought right in front of our eyes.
The EU is blatantly anti-American and Trump should say so. It repeatedly takes anti-trust actions against US tech giants. It fines American firms; it sets up all kinds of non-tariff barriers (NTB); and is overly protectionist. It inadequately funds defense spending, as Trump has manifestly demonstrated at NATO. In building the Nord Stream 2 pipeline Europe has become yet more dependent on Russia for its energy supply. Just this week Trump also said the EU, like China, manipulates their currencies. The Euro is in reality a fake currency, an invention of the EU, not the market
And when it comes to Brexit, the EU is punitively trying to punish our closest ally, the United Kingdom, for a democratic decision taken in a fair and open Referendum in June 2016, when the people voted to LEAVE Junker’s failed European Union.
Trump must not let down his guard.
Junker, who is known as a drunker (he literally has a drinking problem) will certainly not share a beer with Trump, who is a teetotaler. But Trump should not compromise. He should give no ground. Yield Nothing. The EU needs a dose of reciprocity—a strong dose. Besides that, Junker must know, even as he denies it, that nationalism is on the rise in Europe and that the EU may not be around much longer.
You see, in 2019 they have European Parliamentary elections and the whole lot of them will be swept out. Trump would be better to wait until the new crowd—more to his liking—come in and do business with them — and on his terms.
Send Junker packing!
The post EU Junck-Man Travels to US to Grovel Before Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.