
Deep State is in a Panic Fearing Putin Shared with Trump Devastating Information Not Yet Reported

- Juli 17, 2018

Guest post by Joe Hoft

We reported over the weekend that –>

The Democrats, Deep State Mueller and Rosenstein and their MSM are doing all they can to prevent President Donald Trump from meeting with Russian President Putin.

Why are they so persistent in stopping the President of the US from meeting with Putin?  You would think this was a good thing, right?

President Trump is planning on meeting with Russian President Putin over the next few days in Finland.  These will be the first scheduled meetings between the US President, accused by the Democrats and the Deep State and their MSM of the fake story of colluding with the Russians during the 2016 campaign.

The Deep State is going crazy – CNN reports the following –

“President Trump should cancel his meeting with Vladimir Putin until Russia takes demonstrable and transparent steps to prove that they won’t interfere in future elections. Glad-handing with Vladimir Putin on the heels of these indictments would be an insult to our democracy,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a statement.

The top Democrat in the House, Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California, tweeted, “@realDonaldTrump must immediately cancel his meeting with Putin.”

Far left VOX goes as far as to call the meeting a gift for Putin.

Corrupt Rosenstein came out Friday with a quickly scheduled presser to announce the indictment of another 12 Russians supposedly who interfered in the 2016 election.  The case however, like the prior indictments against Russians, appears weak at best.  Numerous observations already over the weekend show the indictments are suspect.

So why are the Democrats, the Deep State and the MSM so petrified of President Trump meeting with Putin?  The answer is because they are deathly afraid of not what Putin might tell Trump but what evidence Putin might have that would indict their leaders in prior criminal actions.

-> We nailed it! 

Today [yesterday] during the presser with President Trump, Russian President Putin dropped a bomb on the Deep State members in the intelligence community, the Obama Administration and the Clintons.  As we reported today –

Putin offered permitting officials in the US, including Mueller, to Russia to assist in their investigation of the supposed Trump-Russia collusion story. Then Putin dropped his bomb where the US could reciprocate Russia in one of their investigations –

For instance, we can bring up Mr. Browder, in this particular case.  Business associates of Mr. Browder have earned over $1.5 billion in Russia and never paid any taxes neither in Russia or the United States and yet the money escaped the country. They were transferred to the United States. They sent [a] huge amount of money, $400,000,000, as a contribution to the campaign of Hillary Clinton.  Well that’s their personal case.  It might have been legal, the contribution itself but the way the money was earned was illegal.  So we have solid reason to believe that some [US] intelligence officers accompanied and guided these transactions.  So we have an interest in questioning them.

The Democrats, the MSM and Deep State are in a complete panic!

Obama gang members came out of hiding and screamed with fear over what Trump may have learned from Putin, so much so that they claimed President Trump should be impeached –

Former Obama CIA Director John Brennan was not alone.  Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Democrat Congress members as well as never-Trumper’s like Speaker Paul Ryan, all condemned the President.

Don’t believe their complaints for a minute.  The President was again outstanding.  Watch for yourself.  The Deep State and the Democrats are terrified of what Putin may have provided Trump.  They all knew for some time that they were the ones that colluded with Russia and they were the ones vulnerable as a result.  Their days are now numbered and they know it.

Today the narrative again shifted.  The talk by the end of the day was about Obama.  He was implicated in the Russia scandal by Lisa Page.  More texts were released showing Obama’s connections to the scandal.  Others in the news began speaking of Obama being involved in Russiagate and the President noted on Hannity that corrupt FBI agent Strzok reported ultimately to Obama.

President Trump knows some things that he is not yet letting out of the bag and as a result the Deep State is in a panic never seen before.

The post Deep State is in a Panic Fearing Putin Shared with Trump Devastating Information Not Yet Reported appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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