
“Crumbs” Pelosi Desperately Tries to Distract From Epic 4.1% GDP Growth – Posts Bogus Chart Claiming American Wages Are Dropping

- Juli 28, 2018

House Minority Leader Nancy “Crumbs” Pelosi (D-CA) knows Americans will not want to change direction in the midterms and 2020 if the economy is roaring and Americans are gainfully employed, so she desperately tried to distract from the epic 4.1% GDP growth.

The US GDP for the second quarter accelerated to a whopping 4.1% under the leadership of President Donald Trump.

This is another BIG Trump win.
This doubles the first quarter growth of 2.2%.

This angered Pelosi. The Democrats don’t want the economy to improve; they hate President Trump so much that they are hoping for a recession.

On Friday, Pelosi posted an article by far-left VOX, who used a bogus Payscale chart to argue American wages have dropped since Trump’s tax cuts.

While everyone was buzzing about the 4.1% GDP growth, Pelosi said, “For 18 months, @realDonaldTrump has put the interests of wealthy Americans over working people. Today is no different. Important fact he refuses to acknowledge? He’s presided over a drop in the real wages of American workers.”

The bogus Payscale chart was first posted by Bloomberg last weekend.

The chart was quickly debunked by people pointing out the numbers are based on modeling of unknown validity and the data was at odds with every other source.

“This chart is based on modeling of unknown validity and is completely at odds with government data, which shows real wages rising. Bad week for scare statistics,” said Scott Winship who works on the joint economic committee for Republican Senator Mike Lee.

“I’m sorry, I just don’t buy this Q2 Payscale data. At all. No other source has given any indication of a collapse in the level of nominal wages or a surge in inflation in Q2,” said Ernie Tedeschi, a former Treasury Department economist focusing on fiscal, monetary and labor policy.

Even Josh Barro, Business Insider editor and contributor to MSNBC–certainly no friend of President Trump’s, poked holes in Bloomberg’s bogus chart.

The post “Crumbs” Pelosi Desperately Tries to Distract From Epic 4.1% GDP Growth – Posts Bogus Chart Claiming American Wages Are Dropping appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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