
REVEALED: At Least TWO of the FBI Agents to Interview Hillary Were Having Affairs with Fellow Agents and Were HILLARY GROUPIES

- Juni 15, 2018

On July 2, 2016, Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was interviewed by FBI agents – off the record, and without taking notes — on her misuse of classified documents and her illegal home-brew server she used to store personal and government emails.

It is now understood that several foreign actors accessed her emails from the illegal server.

Comey wrote Hillary’s exoneration months before the interview at FBI headquarters.

In December 2017 the FBI revealed that top FBI investigator Peter Strzok who was having an affair with Lisa Page was the top FBI investigator in the Hillary Clinton email scandal.

Strzok promised his lover Lisa Page that “we’ll stop” Trump from becoming president.
This comment was deleted from a previous document release by the FBI.

On Thursday we discovered there was a second top FBI official was removed from Mueller’s team of liberal hacks February of this year after anti-Trump text messages surfaced.

This unnamed FBI officials “Agent 1” and “Agent 5” were involved in the FBI Clinton investigation.

In fact the fired far left agent also participated in the Clinton interview on July 2, 2016.

The Weekly Standard reported:

Perhaps the most shocking information in the IG’s report is the revelation that Lisa Page and Peter Strzok were not the only amorous agents with a habit of texting. There were also “Agent 1” and “Agent 5,” who were involved in the Clinton investigation and, according to the IG’s report “were in a relationship at the time and are now married.” Their communications make for a searing indictment of the culture of the FBI and paint a portrait of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email practices as fiasco.

A few days before the Clinton confab, he sent an instant-message in which he complained about how many agents and attorneys were prepping for the questioning: “… very aggravating making this flow with 20+ voices for disparate information anyway.” Fair enough. But then, as the message goes on he suggests that he has a certain lack of enthusiasm for the whole affair. “We have nothing—shouldn’t even be interviewing”

Just in case his girlfriend didn’t savvy the full extent of his disgruntlement at the prospect of interviewing Hillary Clinton, Agent 1 added “My god … I’m actually starting to have embarrassment sprinkled on my disappointment. … Ever been forced to do something you adamantly opposed.”…

…There are reasons to think that Agent 1 was dissatisfied because the organization was phoning in a politically determined investigation. But there are also reasons to think his unhappiness flowed from an admiration for Hillary. Take his message to Agent 5 after completing the questioning of Clinton: “done interviewing the President.”

The post REVEALED: At Least TWO of the FBI Agents to Interview Hillary Were Having Affairs with Fellow Agents and Were HILLARY GROUPIES appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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