Today, ladies and gentlemen, Donald Trump destroys the internet.
He may as well — he’s already destroyed women’s rights, civil discourse, life for the disabled, the dignity of cross-dressers, hope for the poor, and the promise of democracy. He’s done all those things, if you’re listening to the Left.
Why should the internet get a pass?
Hence, left-wing publications screamed to the sky last November and December, as news of the cancellation of Obama’s net neutrality was whispered to and fro.
Vanity Fair ran the headline “The Republican Plan to Nuke the Internet is About to be Revealed;”, whose “mission is to fuel a progressive grassroots network of local groups to resist the Trump Agenda,” warned, “Don’t Let Trump Destroy the Internet: Protect Net Neutrality;” The Outline’s piece, “Death of Internet,” claimed, “I have loved the internet, but Donald Trump and the opportunistic trolls he has created or emboldened have ruined the internet for me.”
To be fair, some Republicans are in favor of net neutrality. Perhaps you are, too.
However, Fox News characterized the December 16th decision quite a bit differently than the cries of injustice heard ’round the country:
“‘The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) made the right move Thursday when it undid an Obama-era power grab commonly referred to as ‘net neutrality,’ ending the agency’s micro-management of the internet.
“The FCC action benefits consumers and ensures that the internet will be free from burdensome government control.
“In a 3-2 vote, the FCC approved the Restoring Internet Freedom Order. The order reverses a decision made by the Obama administration to regulate internet service providers (ISPs) under the Telecommunications Act of 1934 – a law intended to establish rules for phone and local electric companies enacted decades before development of the internet.
“Although the internet operated effectively and efficiently without net neutrality, Obama’s FCC in 2015 suddenly and inexplicably determined a radical transformation was required to ‘save’ it.”
I’ve researched the concept of net neutrality somewhat, but I am by no means an expert. Instead of addressing whether it is wholly good or bad (if there is such a thing with policy), allow me to just say what, no doubt, a great portion of the masses listening to the mainstream, anti-Trump media don’t know: until 2015, net neutrality didn’t exist.
It didn’t exist.
The change that’s going to bring down the world is the undoing of something which never existed before 2015.
As I assume RedState’s primary audience is somewhere beyond preschool, I deduce that you, as is the case with myself, remember 2015.
I sent an email that year. Perhaps you did, too. I watched some videos. I fiddled with a website. I surfed. I browsed. I did all the usual internet action verbs.
And I never once thought, “You know what would destroy this thing? Doing something different; and then, not.”
So on this day — the apocalyptic, terrible day, I’d like to welcome you to 2015. It’s not so bad. Oh — but we have a new President. He’s better than Obama in certain ways. When he’s not, of course, destroying the world.
Hang Ten.
And if you’re looking for something to do, watch those on the Left lose their mind over net neutrality.
Check out my article on net neutrality in May here.
Find all my RedState work at my Author page.
And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter.
Jimmy Kimmel rips into the 'despicable' FCC over #netneutrality vote
— HuffPost (@HuffPost) December 15, 2017
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