
Dinesh D’Souza Celebrates Presidential Pardon With Epic Smackdown of Obama Hack Preet Bharara

- Juni 01, 2018


Conservative activist Dinesh D’Souza faced political persecution after he directed and released anti-Obama film, “2016: Obama’s America”. He was indicted over illegal campaign contributions.

It was an obvious witch hunt.

In January, D’Souza said his FBI file, obtained by the House Intel Committee shows the FBI red-flagged him as a “critic of Obama” and subsequently allocated $100,000 to investigate a $20,000 case.

An official petition requesting President Trump pardon Dinesh D’Souza was created in April, seeking 100,000 signatures.

On Thursday President Trump announced he will pardon Dinesh D’Souza later today.


Dinesh D’Souza celebrated on his Twitter account with an epic smack down of the Obama hack who made his life hell, former US Attorney Preet Bharara.

Bharara used his position as a US Attorney to go after Dinesh with a vengeance during the Obama years.

Shortly after Trump was sworn into office, the President fired Preet Bharara.

Dinesh blasted the Obama hack on Thursday with a viral smackdown!

Dinesh tweeted: KARMA IS A BITCH DEPT: @PreetBharara wanted to destroy a fellow Indian American to advance his career. Then he got fired & I got pardoned

Dinesh also thanked President Trump and everyone for praying for him and supporting him over the years.

The post Dinesh D’Souza Celebrates Presidential Pardon With Epic Smackdown of Obama Hack Preet Bharara appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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