Guest post by:
Dr.Theodore Roosevelt Malloch
Roosevelt Global Fiduciary Governance Limited
Italy and crime too often go together – sort of like spaghetti and meatballs. L’hai capito.
With relatively low murder rates and rape cases, Italy yet marks exceptionally high when it comes to another kind of crime, namely: corruption and fraud. It permeates the highest levels of government and most institutions.
Political corruption is not only rife in infamously unruly places like Sicily and Corsica but as a result of the decision to block a democratically elected coalition government forming its ministries — dwells at the very Presidential level itself.
Sergio Mattarella, Italy’s figurehead President, faced calls for his own impeachment because of his complete contempt for the democratic process. Owned by the EU elites, the bond ratings agencies and the Left, he essentially singlehandedly tried to overturn a democratic election result.
Aside from the outrageous Mattarella himself, many worldwide crime families originated and still operate out of Italy and their influence is truly widespread, so too are the NGOs trying to import economic refugees to tip the balance of power and demographics in Italy.
According to recent polls, the crime network touches nearly a quarter of the Italian population and about 15 per cent of the country’s GDP. Twelve million people are involved in this notorious crime web with tentacles around the world, and most prominently stretching to North America. It is said that nearly half of the Italian economy is in fact a ‘black market’. Tax evasion has soared and kickback and pay-off schemes abound. Unemployment is officially at 15 percent but closer to 35 per cent among the youth in an economy that is in stagnation, if not demise.
No one trusts the government any longer.
Civic trust is at an all time low as evidenced in the growing populist revolt, which will grow even stronger after this latest debacle. Change cannot halt: the will of the people. Italy’s new fused Five Star and Lege government will insure that.
Everyone has seen the movies; The Godfather and Goodfellas but have you read or seen Gomorra, the latest depiction of crime in the form of a television miniseries based on deadly underworld reality in Naples? Watch it and wept for the pervasive gang culture and the lives and communities it utterly destroys.
We must ask: why is such criminality so endemic in Italy?
As the birthplace of western civilization and the Latin language, not to mention the Roman Church and a fabled cuisine, Italy surely has more to offer than crime.
But the stain just won’t go away.
Let me relate a story to make the point, more personal. I just returned from a long weekend getaway to the beautiful Golf do Paridiso—from the Liguria coastline south of Genoa and the wonderful area around Portofino, which boasts a national park and protected coast line, as well as several UNESCO world heritage sites. Tourism is very critical to this economy, and rightly so.
In the commune of Santa Margherita Ligure I received a parking ticket. The police came even though the signs (in Italian, not English said you could park until 3 pm). They called a tow truck and demanded I pay 150 euros on the spot for a service that was not used and then on top issued a ticket of 28 euros, for a violation that did not occur. The ticket number was 25818 and I have a photo of the officer and his police car, Poliza plate — YA 122AP. They demanded
Many police in Italy also appear to be criminal. They prey on tourists and jack them off demanding exorbitant fees, which they keep for themselves, laughing to boot. It says a lot about what I now call, “Crim-Italie”.
All of this must stop, corruption from the top-down.
So too must the litany of nonstop illegals funded by the Soros cabal, mostly African and Arab economic immigrants, flowing into the country by land, and especially by sea (an estimated 1.5 million of them to date and still rising). Thousands come each week. They accost the locals and the tourists both, trying to sell their unwanted wares, begging, and living off the sheer generosity of the welfare state. We see this week that has now been halted thanks to the new government.
What Italy needs is a trusted government with an Interior Minister and a Prime Minister that will clean the entire house. And now they have just that.
All the illegals should be deported. Borders should be upheld and defended. All the criminality should be policed. The crime families shut down and the rule of law returned. Taxes should be collected. But in Italy you will also need someone to police the crooked police! No easy task.
Without such a change, no one should visit Italy. No one should do business there. The Italian people themselves, the hard working, kind, and good people need to step up and back a government that follows through and keeps its promises, that delivers.
The disaster that exists presently is simply unacceptable. The centre-right, Lege and its partners deserve a chance to Make Italy Great Again! They have actually borrowed that very phrase.
Matteo Salvini, their leader, is now the new Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior. He wants to make Italy safe, to make Italy prosperous, to make Italy crime free and unencumbered by the straightjacket of the European Union and its unelected bureaucracy that rules by fiat, with the help of their crooked cronies. He rightly asks, why should Germany or Brussels run a free and sovereign Italy?
Italy can be defined by its’ notably glorious past. Now it must change course, decriminalize, and cast a shadow on what can be an even brighter future. Friends of Italy should support its turn in the right direction.
The post “CRIM-ITALIE” – Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini Wants to Make Italy Great Again appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.