
Breaking: Feinstein’s Former Intel Staffer Daniel Jones is Also Connected to NY Times Reporter in Leak Investigation

- Juni 09, 2018

Former Senate Intel Committee aide, James A. Wolfe, 57, was arrested on Thursday after the DOJ conducted an investigation into classified information leaks to reporters.

Wolfe repeatedly lied to investigators about his contacts with reporters and made false statements to the FBI.

The Justice Department also seized New York Times reporter, Ali Watkins years’ worth of phone and email records.

Watkins previously worked for Buzzfeed and Politico as a national security reporter. 

New York Times reporter Ali Watkins

It is time to start asking some serious questions about Senator Dianne Feinstein’s former intel staffer Daniel Jones.

The Federalist first reported in February a former staffer for Dem Senator Dianne Feinstein, Daniel Jones was working with Fusion GPS.

A group of about 7-10 wealthy donors from California (Silicon Valley) and New York spent $50 million to fund a Trump-Russia investigation conducted by none other than Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS and a former staffer for Dem Senator Dianne Feinstein named Daniel Jones.

In a letter sent to the Minority last week accusing Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson of giving “extremely misleading” statements during a 2017 Senate testimony, Grassley put an interesting footnote at the bottom of his letter implying Daniel Jones may have fed Fusion’s information to the Minority [Ranking member Dianne Feinstein and other Minority Democrat members] as part of his ongoing campaign.

Daniel Jones is also connected to New York Times reporter, Ali Watkins AND worked closely with Wolfe, the senate intel staffer who was arrested Thursday evening.

Follow this thread by National Security reporter, Jordan Schachtel:

A few weeks ago, President Trump put White House leakers on notice.

“We will find out who they are,” said the President after referring to leakers as “traitors and cowards.”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said back in November, “We intend to get to the bottom of these leaks.”

There are currently 27 (now 26) leak investigations at the Justice Department; it is time to start asking serious questions about Dianne Feinstein’s former Intel staffer, Daniel Jones.

The post Breaking: Feinstein’s Former Intel Staffer Daniel Jones is Also Connected to NY Times Reporter in Leak Investigation appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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