
Water Cooler 5/4/18 Open Thread – National Day of Prayer

- Mei 04, 2018

Thank God it’s Friday!  Welcome RedStaters to today’s Water Cooler, always an Open Thread!  I hope you’ve had an amazing week and seen God’s hand and presence in all that has transpired for you.

National Day of Prayer

Yesterday was the National Day of Prayer, as announced this year by President Trump.  Days of prayer are as old as our nation, but the marking of an annual day started with a law first signed by President Truman on Apr 17, 1952.  The day was fixed as the first Thursday in May by President Reagan in 1988.

A local college, William Jessup University hosts a large annual event that I have attended and appreciated several times in recent years, but I did not make it this year.  They host a breakfast, with many representative leaders from the local community (church, political, law enforcement, military, education, community services, etc) leading prayers for our Nation.

What traditions do you have in your area for observing NDOP?

Praying for our Leaders

Of course, if we waited for the annual event to pray, or to pray for our leaders, we would be doing it very wrong.

1 Timothy 2:1-3 (NIV)

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior,

Here we see that we are to pray for “all those in authority”, which is something that I can struggle with.  So there is a reminder to all of us in the RedState Community.

Peace and Joy to You All

Today and always!

The post Water Cooler 5/4/18 Open Thread – National Day of Prayer appeared first on RedState.


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