
Rep. Meadows SLAMS Rosenstein’s Referral to Inspector General ‘He Knows Exactly What the FBI Did, This is a Ruse’

- Mei 22, 2018

Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC) ripped Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein on Monday for requesting the Inspector General investigate irregularities with the FBI’s and DOJ’s tactics concerning Trump’s campaign.

It’s a “ruse”, says Chairman Meadows. Rosenstein has known all along what is in these documents so his belated referral to the Inspector General is not news.

Earlier Monday, President Trump held a meeting at the White House with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Chris Wray.

DNI Director Dan Coats also attended the meeting.

After the meeting, Rosenstein bent the knee and asked the Inspector General to investigate any irregularities with the FBI’s or DOJ’s tactics concerning Trump’s campaign.

The DOJ also agreed to allow Congress to review the requested documents relating to the FBI’s infiltration into Trump’s campaign.

Chairman Meadows was not impressed.

Rosenstein knows what’s in these documents, says Meadows.

Meadows tweeted: Rod Rosenstein knows exactly what happened and what is in the documents requested by Congress. Either the matter warranted investigation long ago and he did nothing, or he’s seen the facts and believes nothing is wrong.

His belated referral to the IG is not news… it is a ruse

Of course Rosenstein knows what is in these documents. He signed off on the fourth FISA application renewal to spy on Carter Page and penned the memo detailing Mueller’s scope.

Concealed FISA docs may hold the key to Trump’s surveillance, says investigative reporter, Sara Carter:

  • The most crucial aspect of the meeting will be the House Intelligence Committee’s request for classified documents connected to the FISA application to spy on Carter Page and whether the President will demand the DOJ turn them over
  • Rosenstein signed off on the fourth FISA warrant, he should know what evidence they used to continue the surveillance on Page

It’s also important to note the Inspector General has no subpoena power.

Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova: Here’s the problem with Mr. Horowitz. He cannot interview any of the people who have left the Department of Justice or FBI. He has no subpoena authority. So all of the people who were part of the plot and were in DOJ and FBI are gone. He can’t talk to them.

Any criminal findings from the Inspector General are sent to the Obama-appointed special prosecutor John Huber.

AG Sessions is AWOL; we need a real Attorney General who is ready and willing to go to battle.

The post Rep. Meadows SLAMS Rosenstein’s Referral to Inspector General ‘He Knows Exactly What the FBI Did, This is a Ruse’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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