
Porn Star Lawyer Avenatti Accused by Courts of Acting “with Malice, Fraud and Oppression” – Suddenly Disappears from CNN

- Mei 26, 2018

Guest post by Joe Hoft

There are many reasons why CNN would stop airing broadcasts with slimy porn star lawyer Michael Avenatti – if CNN sincerely wanted to set a standard for truth they never would have had him on!

According to FOX News, Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for porn star Stormy Daniels, was a regular on CNN and other MSM (Mainstream Media) outlets over the past two months –

Last week, Rich Noyes and Bill D’Agostino of the Media Research Center reported that from March 7 to May 15, Avenatti was interviewed on national television a whopping 147 times – with 74 of the appearances on Jeff Zucker’s CNN.

Avenatti appeared on TV another seven times since the study was conducted, but only one of the appearances was on CNN – a May 22 appearance on “Anderson Cooper 360,” according to the MRC, which noted it was the lawyer’s 22nd appearance on “AC 360.”

CNN and the MSM aired creepy Avenatti in an attempt to disparage President Trump. Instead, this may have hurt the MSM as many Americans see through their efforts to attack the President. The fact that the porn star story is not working may be the reason Avenatti is no longer the voice of the radical left. But then again, it may be Avenatti himself.

Avenatti may not be in the news due to information he received this week –

On Tuesday, a federal bankruptcy court judge in Southern California ordered a law firm managed by Michael Avenatti to pay $10 million to an attorney who claimed that the firm stiffed him on the first installment of a $4.85 million settlement — resulting in critics labeling him a “tax cheat” on social media.

Maybe CNN found out that Avenatti didn’t pay taxes for three years in spite of making $30 million. This was uncovered by the courts who stated he acted with “malice, fraud and oppression”.

Maybe CNN is not interviewing Avenatti on the air because the state bar in California is investigating him for taking taxes from his employees but not paying the government with these taxes collected.

Perhaps CNN is not putting Avenatti on the air because he is suspected of defrauding a million dollar Newport Beach property owner. Avenatti lived in a $12 million home for free as a squatter while a mysterious Swiss company brought a false claim against the owner of the home whom was unable to remove Avenatti until the fake case was over. The Swiss company never showed for any court case after a year of Avenatti living in the property rent free.lived in a $12M home for free as a squatter while a mysterious Swiss company brought a false claim against the owner of the home whom #Avenatti welched on. While #Avenatti evaded taxes & stiffed employees, lived in a $12M home for free as a squatter while a mysterious Swiss company brought a false claim against the owner of the home whom #Avenatti welched on. While #Avenatti evaded taxes & stiffed employees,

But perhaps the biggest reason CNN is not airing creepy Avenatti is that he recently was tied to the FBI spies in the Spygate scandal. We reported over the weekend that there is evidence that Avenatti is connected to the FBI spies in Spygate through a Saudi Prince. Avenatti raced on a team with the Prince’s son and the Prince is connected to one of the suspected FBI spies. This may have been the relationship that deep state most wanted to cover up about Avenatti.

CNN and the MSM never should have had Avenatti on the air. He is creepy and has a horrible record that includes not paying his employees, his taxes, his childcare and his ex-wife. But then again, maybe he is the perfect creepy crook to represent the liberal media and deep state.

The post Porn Star Lawyer Avenatti Accused by Courts of Acting “with Malice, Fraud and Oppression” – Suddenly Disappears from CNN appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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