Don Blankenship is in the running with Roy Moore for worst Republican Candidate for Senate in the Trump era. All it takes is one ad to know where this guy is coming from, but if you need another reason to oppose him, he’s a convicted felon for his negligence while employed by Massey Energy.
What in the world did I just watch
— Liam Donovan (@LPDonovan) May 3, 2018
Swamp captain Mitch McConnell has created millions of jobs for China people. While doing so, Mitch has gotten rich. In fact, his China family has given him tens of millions of dollars. Mitch’s swamp people are running false, negative ads against me. They are also childishly calling me despicable and mentally ill. The war to drain the swamp and create jobs for West Virginia people has begun. I will beat Joe Manchin and ditch Cocaine Mitch, for the sake of the kids.
He not only said it a straight face, it was a catatonic face. Some folks might feel repulsed about his overt racism against those China people, but I find it refreshing that he wore his bigotry right there on his sleeve, for all to see. Here’s to a GOP primary disaster for Mr. Blankenship. More from Allahpundit and Jonah and the Wall Street Journal. Here’s a choice nugget.
Mr. Blankenship’s primary residence is in Nevada, where he moved after being indicted several years ago, and he is campaigning in West Virginia on supervised release. His one-year probation ends the day after the primary.
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