Former President and Nobel Prize recipient Jimmy Carter believes that President Donald Trump may be worthy of the same prize if he is successful at easing tensions on the Korean peninsula.
“If President Trump is successful in getting a peace treaty that’s acceptable to both sides with North Korea, I think he certainly ought to be considered for the Nobel Peace Prize,” Carter told Politico.
Carter was the first former US president to visit North Korea in 1994. His visit and meeting with Kim Il Sung, the grandfather of current leader, helped to prevent conflict and enact an aid-for-disarmament agreement that lasted for several years.
“I think it would be a worthy and a momentous accomplishment that no previous president has been able to realise,” Carter said of Trump’s plan to denuclearize North Korea.
President Trump has officially been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize by a group of 18 Republican members of Congress.
The lawmakers sent a formal letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee earlier this month, nominating him for his work to create peace in the Korean Peninsula.
“We, the undersigned members of the United States Congress, respectfully nominate President Donald J. Trump to receive the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his work to end the Korean War, denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, and bring peace to the region,” the letter states.
The letter went on to say that “Since taking office, President Trump has worked tirelessly to apply maximum pressure on North Korea to end its illicit weapons program and bring peace to the region.”
“His Administration successfully united the international community, including China, to impose one of the most successful international sanctions regimes in history,” the letter continued.
South Korea’s foreign minister has credited President Trump for bringing the two sides together, saying “Clearly, credit goes to President Trump…He’s been determined to come to grips with this from day one.”
It remains unclear, however, if the dictator will follow through with meeting President Trump in Singapore in June.
The post Nobel Recipient Jimmy Carter Says Trump May Be Worthy of Same Prize appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.