
LEAKER GOES SILENT: James Comey GOES SILENT After News Breaks He Was Running Spies Inside Trump Campaign

- Mei 20, 2018

In a SHOCKING admission on Wednesday The New York Times reported the FBI opened an  investigation dubbed “Crossfire Hurricane” into Trump’s campaign 100 days before the Presidential election.

The FBI was spying on the opposition party’s campaign 100 days before the election.  The spying was based on a phony Russian dossier that was paid for by Democrats and Hillary Clinton and by the hearsay of a low-level Trump campaign official who was coached by FBI operatives on Russian rumors.

Five agents, including Peter Strzok traveled to London in the summer of 2016 to interview with a diplomat after Papadopoulos drunkenly claimed to Australian Ambassador Alexander Downer he knew who had Hillary’s emails.

And the FBI informant used thousands of dollars to entice Trump campaign official Papadopoulos to London to set up meetings.

Deep State opreatives released this information to The New York Times for Wednesday’s report.
The information was only leaked out after Congressional investigators discovered this last week.

This is likely the biggest political scandal in US history.

On Saturday the Washington Post started their defense of the Deep State spying on the Republican campaign. Liberal hack Asha Rangappa insisted the spying was meant to protect Trump. That may be the most dishonest and shameful headline of all time.

The New York Times insisted the spies inside the Trump campaign were not there to spy.

So the corrupt liberal media continues to spin for the deep state Democrat criminals.

But noticeably absent is the loundmouth and former FBI Chief.

Leaker James Comey has gone dark. He has not tweeted since the news broke that he had a spy (at least one) inside the Trump Campaign.

Comey has not tweeted since then.

Here is Comey’s last tweet — from May 10:

The post LEAKER GOES SILENT: James Comey GOES SILENT After News Breaks He Was Running Spies Inside Trump Campaign appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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