Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Tim Canova
Democratic leaders like Broward County election supervisor Brenda Snipes and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz are “clinging to office” to dodge investigations and stay out of jail, warns Tim Canova, a Nova Southeastern University law professor who is challenging the disgraced former DNC chair for her congressional seat in 2018.
Canova won a significant legal victory Friday when a circuit judge determined Snipes broke federal law by improperly discarding thousands of ballots cast in the 2016 Democratic congressional primary, making an inspection of the results impossible.
In that election, Canova faced off against incumbent Wasserman Schultz, who has been embroiled in controversy after controversy since the 2016 elections.
The judge ruled that Snipes ignored and illegally obstructed Canova’s request to copy and inspect the ballots. In fact, Snipes had signed a Sept. 1, 2017, document to destroy the ballots.
Federal laws stipulate ballots cast in a federal race are not supposed to be destroyed until 22 months after the election.
Corrupt politicians like Snipes and Wasserman Schultz don’t care at all about the American taxpayer and only want to stay in office to evade justice, Canova told The Gateway Pundit Wednesday.
“Wasserman Schultz, Snipes and other agent Democrats, maybe even some Republicans, cling to office because there is so much corruption in their background that they’re afraid that should they leave office it will be uncovered,” he said. “As long as they remain in office, they might be in a position to control, manipulate or prevent any investigations.”
Wasserman Schultz resigned as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee following revelations that she and other Democratic party officials conspired to sabotage the campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
The former DNC chair is also the most forceful advocate and longtime employer of disgraced House information technology aide Imran Awan. She continued to employ and compensate Awan with taxpayer funds for several months after he was barred from the House computer system and under criminal investigation. In fact, Wasserman Schultz only fired Awan after he was arrested on bank fraud charges attempting to flee the country the morning of July 25, 2017.
Awan is currently on trial before a federal jury for conspiracy to commit bank fraud, false statements on a loan or credit application, unlawful monetary transactions, engaging in unlawful monetary transactions and allegedly stole data from an untold Democratic House members who hired him.
Wasserman Schultz doesn’t care at all about the American people, she only wants to stay in office because she’s a crook, Canova argued
“I have hopes that Debbie Wasserman Schultz will be removed from office this year when we defeat her in November, and that even before that happens, some of the investigations will start catching up with her – this is the reason she’s clinging for office so strongly, this is why she’s trying to hold on to this office.”
The Justice Department is remarkably apathetic to Democratic corruption, Canova lamented.
“I don’t know to what degree the FBI or Department of Justice have both been corrupted. I’ve called the FBI twice myself personally earlier this year to report this crime — destroying the ballots. I have yet to get any kind of response from them,” he said. “What the supervisor did wasn’t just to break state and federal law by destroying the ballots three months early, but she also destroyed evidence in an ongoing litigation. There are all forms of law that were broken by her.”
The federal statue has criminal sanctions – up to a year in prison. I think the state law punishes this crime with even more than a year in prison. We haven’t been able to get any kind of investigation from the Department of Justice yet – the FBI – nobody,” he continued. “We knew that the supervisor of elections destroyed the ballots in violation of federal law all the way back in early November of 2017. We are trying to hold the officials accountable who are responsible for this. We’d like to see an investigation, including criminal investigation. A criminal investigation, perhaps, could uncover others involved.”
Florida’s Secretary of State plans to send an elections expert to Broward, the state’s second-largest county, during the upcoming elections to monitor the administration of upcoming elections in the county and “ensure that all laws are followed.”
Canova is urging Florida governor Rick Scott to move to immediately suspend Snipes and is calling for a federal, criminal investigation.
“We are not easing up on this. We are organizing petitions, a protest and we are not going to let up at all,” he said. “I’m a candidate again, this time as an independent, I’ll be on the ballot in November, and the idea, the thought that Brenda Snipes, this supervisor of elections, could still be supervising my upcoming election with Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is completely intolerable.”
Canova compared Snipes’ ability to destroy ballots without legal repercussions to the DNC destroying its server, ignoring multiple requests by the FBI to surrender the server for forensic examination.
“The FBI asked for those servers three times, and three times the DNC declined to cooperate. The FBI should have followed up by just seizing the servers – they have that authority in a criminal investigation. The idea that they would just rely upon CrowdStrike, a private internet security firm hired by Wasserman Schultz through the DNC, is ridiculous,” he said. “There has been absolutely no response from the criminal justice system to this violation of federal law.
“This whole episode with the ballots has shown the kind of corruption that exists in our election system. It’s also revealed a certain type of corruption in our criminal justice system. And the supervisor’s office continued to litigate for eight months, even after destroying the ballots.”
Canova announced in April his decision to leave the Democratic Party and hopes to appear on the November ballot as a no party affiliation candidate against Wasserman Schultz.
Most Democrats are also fed up with corruption on the Democratic side, Canvoa argued.
“I have a lot of friends who remain loyal Democrats – their loyalty is tested very often. There are an awful lot of people who remain Democrat, who are disgusted by the Democratic establishment. They just don’t think that there is any other alternative and they are very frightened by the policy agenda of the Republicans and the Trump administration,” he said. “The party leadership in Broward county, and really all over the country, is very corrupted. They are corporate-funded and they’ve allowed themselves to be corrupted.”
The post EXCLUSIVE=> Democrat Tim Canova on Wasserman Schultz: Corrupt Dems Cling to Office to Avoid Jail appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.